On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 2:13 AM, Euler Taveira de Oliveira
<eu...@timbira.com> wrote:
> Marko Kreen escreveu:
>> 3) Support all 3 parameters (keepidle, keepintvl, keepcnt)
>>  and ignore parameters not supported by OS.
> +1. AFAIR, we already do that for the backend.

+1 from me, too.

Here is the patch which provides those three parameters as conninfo
options. Should this patch be added into the first CommitFest for v9.1?


Fujii Masao
NTT Open Source Software Center
*** a/doc/src/sgml/libpq.sgml
--- b/doc/src/sgml/libpq.sgml
*** 280,285 ****
--- 280,327 ----
+         <varlistentry id="libpq-keepalives-idle" xreflabel="keepalives_idle">
+          <term><literal>keepalives_idle</literal></term>
+          <listitem>
+           <para>
+            On systems that support the <symbol>TCP_KEEPIDLE</symbol> socket option,
+            specifies the number of seconds between sending keepalives on an otherwise
+            idle connection. A value of zero uses the system default.
+            If <symbol>TCP_KEEPIDLE</symbol> is not supported, this parameter must be
+            zero or must not be specified. This parameter is ignored for connections
+            made via a Unix-domain socket.
+           </para>
+          </listitem>
+         </varlistentry>
+         <varlistentry id="libpq-keepalives-interval" xreflabel="keepalives_interval">
+          <term><literal>keepalives_interval</literal></term>
+          <listitem>
+           <para>
+            On systems that support the <symbol>TCP_KEEPINTVL</symbol> socket option,
+            specifies how long, in seconds, to wait for a response to a keepalive before
+            retransmitting. A value of zero uses the system default.
+            If <symbol>TCP_KEEPINTVL</symbol> is not supported, this parameter must be
+            zero or must not be specified. This parameter is ignored for connections
+            made via a Unix-domain socket.
+           </para>
+          </listitem>
+         </varlistentry>
+         <varlistentry id="libpq-keepalives-count" xreflabel="keepalives_count">
+          <term><literal>keepalives_count</literal></term>
+          <listitem>
+           <para>
+            On systems that support the <symbol>TCP_KEEPCNT</symbol> socket option,
+            specifies how many keepalives can be lost before the connection is
+            considered dead. A value of zero uses the system default.
+            If <symbol>TCP_KEEPCNT</symbol> is not supported, this parameter must be
+            zero or must not be specified. This parameter is ignored for connections
+            made via a Unix-domain socket.
+           </para>
+          </listitem>
+         </varlistentry>
          <varlistentry id="libpq-connect-tty" xreflabel="tty">
*** 6013,6018 **** myEventProc(PGEventId evtId, void *evtInfo, void *passThrough)
--- 6055,6090 ----
+        <primary><envar>PGKEEPALIVESIDLE</envar></primary>
+       </indexterm>
+       <envar>PGKEEPALIVESIDLE</envar> behaves the same as the <xref
+       linkend="libpq-keepalives-idle"> connection parameter.
+      </para>
+     </listitem>
+     <listitem>
+      <para>
+       <indexterm>
+        <primary><envar>PGKEEPALIVESINTERVAL</envar></primary>
+       </indexterm>
+       <envar>PGKEEPALIVESINTERVAL</envar> behaves the same as the <xref
+       linkend="libpq-keepalives-interval"> connection parameter.
+      </para>
+     </listitem>
+     <listitem>
+      <para>
+       <indexterm>
+        <primary><envar>PGKEEPALIVESCOUNT</envar></primary>
+       </indexterm>
+       <envar>PGKEEPALIVESCOUNT</envar> behaves the same as the <xref
+       linkend="libpq-keepalives-count"> connection parameter.
+      </para>
+     </listitem>
+     <listitem>
+      <para>
+       <indexterm>
        <envar>PGSSLMODE</envar> behaves the same as the <xref
*** a/src/interfaces/libpq/fe-connect.c
--- b/src/interfaces/libpq/fe-connect.c
*** 180,185 **** static const PQconninfoOption PQconninfoOptions[] = {
--- 180,194 ----
  	{"fallback_application_name", NULL, NULL, NULL,
  	"Fallback-Application-Name", "", 64},
+ 	{"keepalives_idle", "PGKEEPALIVESIDLE", NULL, NULL,
+ 	"TCP-Keepalive-Idle", "", 10}, /* strlen(INT32_MAX) == 10 */
+ 	{"keepalives_interval", "PGKEEPALIVESINTERVAL", NULL, NULL,
+ 	"TCP-Keepalive-Interval", "", 10}, /* strlen(INT32_MAX) == 10 */
+ 	{"keepalives_count", "PGKEEPALIVESCOUNT", NULL, NULL,
+ 	"TCP-Keepalive-Count", "", 10}, /* strlen(INT32_MAX) == 10 */
  #ifdef USE_SSL
*** 547,552 **** fillPGconn(PGconn *conn, PQconninfoOption *connOptions)
--- 556,567 ----
  	conn->pgpass = tmp ? strdup(tmp) : NULL;
  	tmp = conninfo_getval(connOptions, "connect_timeout");
  	conn->connect_timeout = tmp ? strdup(tmp) : NULL;
+ 	tmp = conninfo_getval(connOptions, "keepalives_idle");
+ 	conn->keepalives_idle = tmp ? strdup(tmp) : NULL;
+ 	tmp = conninfo_getval(connOptions, "keepalives_interval");
+ 	conn->keepalives_interval = tmp ? strdup(tmp) : NULL;
+ 	tmp = conninfo_getval(connOptions, "keepalives_count");
+ 	conn->keepalives_count = tmp ? strdup(tmp) : NULL;
  	tmp = conninfo_getval(connOptions, "sslmode");
  	conn->sslmode = tmp ? strdup(tmp) : NULL;
  	tmp = conninfo_getval(connOptions, "sslkey");
*** 937,942 **** connectFailureMessage(PGconn *conn, int errorno)
--- 952,1065 ----
+ static int
+ setKeepalivesIdle(PGconn *conn)
+ {
+ 	int	idle;
+ 	if (conn->keepalives_idle == NULL || IS_AF_UNIX(conn->laddr.addr.ss_family))
+ 		return 1;
+ 	idle = atoi(conn->keepalives_idle);
+ 	if (idle < 0)
+ 		idle = 0;
+ 	if (setsockopt(conn->sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_KEEPIDLE,
+ 				   (char *) &idle, sizeof(idle)) < 0)
+ 	{
+ 		char	sebuf[256];
+ 		appendPQExpBuffer(&conn->errorMessage,
+ 						  libpq_gettext("setsockopt(TCP_KEEPIDLE) failed: %s\n"),
+ 						  SOCK_STRERROR(SOCK_ERRNO, sebuf, sizeof(sebuf)));
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
+ #else
+ 	if (idle != 0)
+ 	{
+ 		appendPQExpBuffer(&conn->errorMessage,
+ 						  libpq_gettext("setsockopt(TCP_KEEPIDLE) not supported"));
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
+ #endif
+ 	return 1;
+ }
+ static int
+ setKeepalivesInterval(PGconn *conn)
+ {
+ 	int	interval;
+ 	if (conn->keepalives_interval == NULL || IS_AF_UNIX(conn->laddr.addr.ss_family))
+ 		return 1;
+ 	interval = atoi(conn->keepalives_interval);
+ 	if (interval < 0)
+ 		interval = 0;
+ 	if (setsockopt(conn->sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_KEEPINTVL,
+ 				   (char *) &interval, sizeof(interval)) < 0)
+ 	{
+ 		char	sebuf[256];
+ 		appendPQExpBuffer(&conn->errorMessage,
+ 						  libpq_gettext("setsockopt(TCP_KEEPINTVL) failed: %s\n"),
+ 						  SOCK_STRERROR(SOCK_ERRNO, sebuf, sizeof(sebuf)));
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
+ #else
+ 	if (interval != 0)
+ 	{
+ 		appendPQExpBuffer(&conn->errorMessage,
+ 						  libpq_gettext("setsockopt(TCP_KEEPINTVL) not supported"));
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
+ #endif
+ 	return 1;
+ }
+ static int
+ setKeepalivesCount(PGconn *conn)
+ {
+ 	int	count;
+ 	if (conn->keepalives_count == NULL || IS_AF_UNIX(conn->laddr.addr.ss_family))
+ 		return 1;
+ 	count = atoi(conn->keepalives_count);
+ 	if (count < 0)
+ 		count = 0;
+ #ifdef TCP_KEEPCNT
+ 	if (setsockopt(conn->sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_KEEPCNT,
+ 				   (char *) &count, sizeof(count)) < 0)
+ 	{
+ 		char	sebuf[256];
+ 		appendPQExpBuffer(&conn->errorMessage,
+ 						  libpq_gettext("setsockopt(TCP_KEEPCNT) failed: %s\n"),
+ 						  SOCK_STRERROR(SOCK_ERRNO, sebuf, sizeof(sebuf)));
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
+ #else
+ 	if (count != 0)
+ 	{
+ 		appendPQExpBuffer(&conn->errorMessage,
+ 						  libpq_gettext("setsockopt(TCP_KEEPCNT) not supported"));
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
+ #endif
+ 	return 1;
+ }
  /* ----------
   * connectDBStart -
   *		Begin the process of making a connection to the backend.
*** 1285,1292 **** keep_going:						/* We will come back to here until there is
  					 * Select socket options: no delay of outgoing data for
! 					 * TCP sockets, nonblock mode, close-on-exec. Fail if any
! 					 * of this fails.
  					if (!IS_AF_UNIX(addr_cur->ai_family))
--- 1408,1415 ----
  					 * Select socket options: no delay of outgoing data for
! 					 * TCP sockets, nonblock mode, close-on-exec and keepalives.
! 					 * Fail if any of this fails.
  					if (!IS_AF_UNIX(addr_cur->ai_family))
*** 1322,1327 **** keep_going:						/* We will come back to here until there is
--- 1445,1476 ----
  #endif   /* F_SETFD */
+ 					if (!IS_AF_UNIX(conn->laddr.addr.ss_family))
+ 					{
+ 						int	on;
+ 						on = 1;
+ 						if (setsockopt(conn->sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE,
+ 									   (char *) &on, sizeof(on)) < 0)
+ 						{
+ 							appendPQExpBuffer(&conn->errorMessage,
+ 											  libpq_gettext("setsockopt(SO_KEEPALIVE) failed: %s\n"),
+ 							  SOCK_STRERROR(SOCK_ERRNO, sebuf, sizeof(sebuf)));
+ 							closesocket(conn->sock);
+ 							conn->sock = -1;
+ 							conn->addr_cur = addr_cur->ai_next;
+ 							continue;
+ 						}
+ 					}
+ 					if (!setKeepalivesIdle(conn) || !setKeepalivesInterval(conn) ||
+ 						!setKeepalivesCount(conn))
+ 					{
+ 						closesocket(conn->sock);
+ 						conn->sock = -1;
+ 						conn->addr_cur = addr_cur->ai_next;
+ 						continue;
+ 					}
  					 * We have three methods of blocking SIGPIPE during
  					 * send() calls to this socket:
*** 2280,2285 **** freePGconn(PGconn *conn)
--- 2429,2440 ----
  	if (conn->pgpass)
+ 	if (conn->keepalives_idle)
+ 		free(conn->keepalives_idle);
+ 	if (conn->keepalives_interval)
+ 		free(conn->keepalives_interval);
+ 	if (conn->keepalives_count)
+ 		free(conn->keepalives_count);
  	if (conn->sslmode)
  	if (conn->sslcert)
*** a/src/interfaces/libpq/libpq-int.h
--- b/src/interfaces/libpq/libpq-int.h
*** 301,306 **** struct pg_conn
--- 301,309 ----
  	char	   *replication;	/* connect as the replication standby? */
  	char	   *pguser;			/* Postgres username and password, if any */
  	char	   *pgpass;
+ 	char	   *keepalives_idle;	/* time between issuing TCP keepalives */
+ 	char	   *keepalives_interval;	/* time between TCP keepalive retransmits */
+ 	char	   *keepalives_count;	/* maximum number of TCP keepalive retransmits */
  	char	   *sslmode;		/* SSL mode (require,prefer,allow,disable) */
  	char	   *sslkey;			/* client key filename */
  	char	   *sslcert;		/* client certificate filename */
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