Le 26 févr. 2010 à 12:12, Boszormenyi Zoltan a écrit :

> ecpglib/data.c includes "postgres_fe.h", so it should be pulling
> everything that's relevant from port/*, right?
> Michael, can we try to install the first two patches?
> They wouldn't hurt.

I've tried patch 1 and 2, but they do not work. The fact is that the code is 
not used in the backend, because strtod("NaN", endptr) works. 
(isnan(strtod("NaN", endptr)) is true).

I should also note that isnan((double)nan("")) is true (works).

I will also report to NetBSD that isnan((double)NAN) does not work on mips.


Rémi Zara

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