2010/4/5 Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us>:
> Hitoshi Harada <umi.tan...@gmail.com> writes:
>> I cannot figure out at all what is wrong. Have any idea?
> Since nobody else is reporting this, it seems like it must be either
> something messed up about your system, or something wrong with your
> copy of the PG sources.  In the latter connection I confess to having
> little confidence in the git mirror setup.  Have you tried diffing
> your source tree against a CVS checkout or nightly snapshot tarball?

I've tried clean tarball of alpha4, alpha5, so source messing seems
less possible. I'll try CVS HEAD. I've check various real (not VM)
Linux boxes and didn't hit the same situation. I know it's something
around environment issue.

> A different line of attack is to insert some debugging logging into
> the postmaster's port-opening code to see if you can find why it's
> apparently not doing anything.

I'll try it later. But debugging with gdb seems quite clean, bind()
and other initializations looks good and postmaster is in


Hitoshi Harada

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