On Sat, 2010-07-17 at 23:30 +0200, Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:
> On 07/17/2010 04:02 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
> > On Jul 16, 2010, at 11:02 PM, Stephen Frost<sfr...@snowman.net>  wrote:
> >> * Robert Haas (robertmh...@gmail.com) wrote:
> >>> Why must the backslash commands be more powerful than any alternative
> >>> we might come up with?
> >>
> >> Because they encode alot of information in a character- something which
> >> is next to impossible to do in "english".
> >
> > I don't think that "terse" and "powerful" are the same thing. One of my 
> > beefs with the backslash commands is that the syntax is not cleanly 
> > extensible.  We have S and + as postfix modifiers, and that's fairly 
> > comprehensible, but as soon as you think about going much further with it, 
> > it starts to seem like alphabet soup.
> >
> > In fact, we're pretty close to alphabet soup already. Without looking at 
> > the help, what does \db do?  What are the commands to list casts, 
> > conversions, and comments, respectively?  What syntax would you propose for 
> > a backslash command to list comments, but only those on a certain object 
> > type?  If you don't think we should have a backslash command for that, can 
> > you write an SQL query that lists comments on built-in aggregates in less 
> > than two minutes?  How many people do you think can do it at all?
> >
> > I think "LIST COMMENTS ON SYSTEM AGGREGATES" would be an epic step forward 
> > in usability.
> uh oh - that actually sounds like a big step backwards to me - it's 
> inventing extremely verbose pseudo english syntax for something that we 
> currently do with a trivial and easy to remember backslash command.

By whose estimation?

I hate the backslash commands and I have been using them longer than

I do agree that the above is a bit verbose but it is also blatant as to
what it is.

> Do we really need to invent a completely new language for this?
> Once you extend that syntax to what you are proposing (ie provide a way 
> you basically reinvented a query language - ever heard of SQL or QUEL?

Really? Hmmm....

SELECT * FROM (where are system aggregates again?), oh right, pg_proc,
what is the column that tells me it is a system aggregate? -- Do I
filter by namespace?

Oh, crimey, why can't I just type:



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