On Jul 18, 2010, at 12:30 PM, Tom Lane wrote:

> David Christensen <da...@endpoint.com> writes:
>> machack:machack:5432=# \c "foo""bar"
>> You are now connected to database "foo"bar".
> What this is reflecting is that backslash commands have their own weird
> rules for processing double quotes.  What I was concerned about was that
> double quotes in SQL are normally used for protecting mixed case, and
> you don't need that for \c:
> regression=# create database "FooBar";
> regression=# \c foobar
> FATAL:  database "foobar" does not exist
> Previous connection kept
> regression=# \c FooBar
> You are now connected to database "FooBar".
> FooBar=# 
> The fact that there are double quotes around the database name in the
> "You are now connected..." message is *not* meant to imply that that is
> a valid double-quoted SQL identifier, either.  It's just an artifact of
> how we set off names in English-language message style.  In another
> language it might look like <<FooBar>> or some such.
> My opinion remains that you should just print the user and database
> names as-is, without trying to inject any quoting into the mix.  You're
> more likely to confuse people than help them if you do that.

Okay, understood.  Then consider my updated patch (just sent attached to a 
recent message) to reflect the desired behavior.  (I'll update the commitfest 
patch entry when it shows up in the archives.)


David Christensen
End Point Corporation

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