* Fujii Masao <masao.fu...@gmail.com> [100721 03:49]:

> >> The patch provides quorum parameter in postgresql.conf, which
> >> specifies how many standby servers transaction commit will wait for
> >> WAL records to be replicated to, before the command returns a
> >> "success" indication to the client. The default value is zero, which
> >> always doesn't make transaction commit wait for replication without
> >> regard to replication_mode. Also transaction commit always doesn't
> >> wait for replication to asynchronous standby (i.e., replication_mode
> >> is set to async) without regard to this parameter. If quorum is more
> >> than the number of synchronous standbys, transaction commit returns
> >> a "success" when the ACK has arrived from all of synchronous standbys.
> >
> > There should be a way to specify "wait for *all* connected standby servers
> > to acknowledge"
> Agreed. I'll allow -1 as the valid value of the quorum parameter, which
> means that transaction commit waits for all connected standbys.

Hm... so if my 1 synchronouse standby is operatign normally, and quarum
is set to 1, I'll get what I want (commit waits until it's safely on both
servers).  But what happens if my standby goes bad.  Suddenly the quarum
setting is ignored (because it's > number of connected standby
servers?)  Is there a way for me to not allow any commits if the quarum
setting number of standbies is *not* availble?  Yes, I want my db to
"halt" in that situation, and yes, alarmbells will be ringing...

In reality, I'm likely to run 2 synchronous slaves, with quarum of 1.
So 1 slave can fail an dI can still have 2 going.  But if that 2nd slave
ever failed while the other was down, I definately don't want the master
to forge on ahead!

Of course, this won't be for everyone, just as the current "just
connected standbys" isn't for everything either...


Aidan Van Dyk                                             Create like a god,
ai...@highrise.ca                                       command like a king,
http://www.highrise.ca/                                   work like a slave.

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