On Fri, Apr 12, 2002 at 12:51:26PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Bruce Momjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Certainly a shared cache would be good for apps that connect to issue a
> > single query frequently.  In such cases, there would be no local cache
> > to use.
> We have enough other problems with the single-query-per-connection
> scenario that I see no reason to believe that a shared plan cache will
> help materially.  The correct answer for those folks will *always* be
> to find a way to reuse the connection.

 My query cache was write for 7.0. If some next release will use
 pre-forked backend and after a client disconnection the backend will 
 still alives and waits for new client the shared cache is (maybe:-) not
 needful. The current backend fork model is killer of all possible 

 We have more caches. I hope persistent backend help will help to all 
 and I'm sure that speed will grow up with persistent backend and 
 persistent caches without shared memory usage. There I can agree with
 Tom :-)


 C, PostgreSQL, PHP, WWW, http://docs.linux.cz, http://mape.jcu.cz

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