
According to the decision at the developer meeting, the migration to
git should happen 17-20 Aug. Here's my proposed timeline. This will
obviously affect development work some, and since the original
timeline called for us having already released 9.0 buy then ;)

1. Tuesday evening, around 19:00 central european time, which is 17:00
GMT or 12:00 EST, I will freeze the current cvs repository. I will do
this by disabling committer login on that box, so please note that
this will also make it impossible for committers to do a "cvs update"
from the authenticated repository. The anonymous repository will of
course still be available.

2. Tuesday evening and wednesday morning (european time again, please
extrapolate as necessary yourself :P), I will convert the latest cvs
version including running all my comparison scripts. (this takes quite
a long time). once the conversion is done, I'll snapshot whatever we
have by then so we can back out to that.

3. I will then as soon as this is done run the script to remove
keywords from active branches.

4. At this point, I will push a copy of this to the
postgresql-migration.git project on git.postgresql.org, asking
everybody to test. Those of you around, please do so as quickly as you
can. It will also be made available to all committers at this time as
a read-only repository.

5. Once enough is verified, we'll open the repository up for commits.
I expect this to happen sometime on thursday probably, assuming there
were no issues.

6. Once things have been running for a few days, we'll replace the
postgresql.git project on git.postgresql.org with an automatic push of
the repository, renaming the old one to something like
postgresql-old.git for a while.

7. As things are done, I'll get the anoncvs mirror moving as soon as
possible. But I want to make sure that the git stuff is fully working
before we do that.

This means the following:
* If anybody is working on some specific patch they want to get in
soon, please try to do so before tuesday evening european time.

* If you are working off the old git tree, you are recommended to do a
pull sometime between that and thuersday. That'll make sure you have
the latest copy of the *old* git repository. You can then generate a
patch off that and submit it or re-apply to your old repository. Note
that the new repository will *NOT* be compatible with the old one, so
you'll need to do a manual move over. All commits will have new

* Buildfarm coverage will obviously be weak until BF members have been
converted to run off git. Those running directly against anoncvs
should have a fair chance to still work on the new one once that's up,
but the rsync-the-cvs-repository method will no longer work.

Um, I'm sure there's more, but...
Are there any objections to this timeline, or will this work out
reasonably well for everybody?

 Magnus Hagander
 Me: http://www.hagander.net/
 Work: http://www.redpill-linpro.com/

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