On Tue, 2011-02-08 at 13:53 -0500, Robert Haas wrote:

> That having been said, there is at least one part of this patch which
> looks to be in pretty good shape and seems independently useful
> regardless of what happens to the rest of it, and that is the code
> that sends replies from the standby back to the primary.  This allows
> pg_stat_replication to display the write/flush/apply log positions on
> the standby next to the sent position on the primary, which as far as
> I am concerned is pure gold.  Simon had this set up to happen only
> when synchronous replication or XID feedback in use, but I think
> people are going to want it even with plain old asynchronous
> replication, because it provides a FAR easier way to monitor standby
> lag than anything we have today.  I've extracted this portion of the
> patch, cleaned it up a bit, written docs, and attached it here.

Score! +1


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