On Mar 22, 2011, at 11:46 AM, Cédric Villemain wrote:
> 2011/3/22 Greg Stark <gsst...@mit.edu>:
>> On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 6:08 PM, Jim Nasby <j...@nasby.net> wrote:
>>> Has anyone looked at the overhead of measuring how long IO requests to the 
>>> kernel take? If we did that not only could we get an idea of what our IO 
>>> workload looked like, we could also figure out whether a block came out of 
>>> cache or not. That information could potentially be useful to the planner, 
>>> but even if the database couldn't use that knowledge itself it would be a 
>>> damn useful statistic to have... IMHO, far more useful than our current hit 
>>> rate statistics.
>> I've done this -- actually better, I used mincore to actually check
>> whether the block was in cache before issuing the read -- but it turns
>> out you can't get what you're looking for this way.
> The linux fincore() syscall never get in the kernel, maybe something
> to revive...

Is there an equivalent in other OSes? Could we use time measurement as an 
alternative if not?

>> It turns out when you do this you see one block being read from disk
>> followed by n blocks that all appear to be cache hits. Because they've
>> been prefetched by the kernel.
> I did the same, I now believe that it is not very important to have
> the very exact numbers.
> Prefetech blocks *are* in memory when we request them, the first read
> access read more than one block because the cost is the same.

Yeah... there's places in the planner where we make guesses as to the 
likelyhood of something being in-cache. If we could actually track complete hit 
rate over time (PG buffers + FS cache), then we wouldn't have to guess at 
things anymore.

And having this info in pg_stats would be extremely valuable.

>> What you end up with is actually something like the number of iops
>> which is also an interesting measure but not really what you were
>> looking for.
>> My getrusage patch, which I should still dig out though it's rather
>> too late to be committing now unless someone tells me otherwise, would
>> tell you how much i/o a plan node actually did. But you won't know
>> which blocks did the i/o since I was only tracking totals for the plan
>> node. That's probably what you're looking for here.
> Please show us the patch :)
Jim C. Nasby, Database Architect                   j...@nasby.net
512.569.9461 (cell)                         http://jim.nasby.net

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