On 04/20/2011 12:05 PM, Josh Berkus wrote:
On 4/20/11 12:00 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
Please provide the evidence that this is a problem that exists now, as
opposed to seven years ago.
Since you're clearly already made up your mind that no problem exists, I
don't have the energy to fight it out with you.
Well, you aren't fighting alone. We have significant problems in this area. As you said, we always have. There is also a bizarre, almost insane objection to using tools that "aren't invented here" to solve problems. The problems you (Josh) present are real, regardless of Robert's opinion. The thing that is important for everyone to remember is PERCEPTION IS REALITY.

If people PERCEIVE there is a problem, THERE IS A PROBLEM.

So Robert, with respect to your "show me the money", the money is at your feet on the floor. JB and I can list multitudes of hackers and contributors who have the perception of this problem and that perception is hurting the project because frankly, Astor Data isn't going to waste it's valuable time (money) fighting our community. We have to make it damn freaking easy for them or we lose their interest, and thus the community loses.

From the whales of discontentment society,


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