> Greg Smith  wrote:
> My point was just that no one has really done that here yet:
> provided an example showing SSI serialization working as a
> substitute for predicate locking in this sort of use case. I trust
> that the theory is sound here, and yet I'd still like to see that
> demonstrated.
Fair enough.  You can find examples where there are no false
positives or false negatives in the src/test/isolation directory in
any checkout of the source code.  Dan will be presenting the results
of a set of DBT-2 runs at PGCon, which might help.  I've been
gradually building up a set of examples at:
That set is incomplete so far due to a scarcity of round tuits, but
if you want to suggest any particular tests, or add any (it's a
Wiki), I welcome the input.
With all that going on, and having mentioned that Wiki page on this
thread, I didn't think posting examples to this list was useful, but
could be persuaded otherwise.

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