On Jul 14, 2011, at 5:13 PM, "David E. Wheeler" <da...@kineticode.com> wrote:
> On Jul 14, 2011, at 3:05 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Josh Berkus <j...@agliodbs.com> writes:
>>>> There are a ton of
>>>> things that change with each release, and all we do by putting in
>>>> hacks for backwards compatibility is add bloat that needs to be
>>>> maintained, and encourage vendors to be lazy.
>>> I don't agree that having comprehensive system views with multi-version
>>> stability would be a "hack".
>> If we had that, it wouldn't be a hack.
> Is that an endorsement for adding such a feature?
>> Putting in a hack to cover the
>> specific case of relistemp, on the other hand, is just a hack.
> Sure.
>> The real question here, IMO, is "how many applications are there that
>> really need to know about temporary relations, but have no interest in
>> the related feature of unlogged relations?".  Because only such apps
>> would be served by a compatibility hack for this.  An app that thinks it
>> knows the semantics of relistemp, and isn't updated to grok unlogged
>> tables, may be worse than broken --- it may be silently incorrect.
> So pgTAP creates temporary tables to store result sets so that it can then 
> compare the results of two queries. The function in question was getting a 
> list of columns in such a temporary table in order to make sure that the 
> types were the same between two such tables before comparing results. It 
> checked relistemp to make sure it was looking at the temp table rather than 
> some other table that might happen to have the same name.
> So now the query looks like this:
>        SELECT pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod)
>          FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a
>          JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON a.attrelid = c.oid
>         WHERE c.relname = $1
> --         AND c.relistemp             -- 8.3-9.0
>           AND c.relpersistence = 't'  -- 9.1
>           AND attnum > 0
>           AND NOT attisdropped
>         ORDER BY attnum
> Is that all I need to do, or is there something else I should be aware of 
> with regard to unlogged tables?

Probably not, in this case. Just a thought: maybe you could rewrite the query 
to check whether the namespace name starts with pg_temp. Maybe that would be 

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