On 08/26/2011 04:46 PM, Jim Nasby wrote:
On Aug 26, 2011, at 12:15 PM, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
I knew there would be some bike-shedding about how we specify these things, 
which is why I haven't written docs yet.
While we're debating what shade of yellow to paint the shed...

My actual use case is to be able to be able to "inject" SQL into a 
SQL-formatted dump either pre- or post-data (I'm on 8.3, so I don't actually dump any 
data; I'm *mostly* emulating the ability to dump data on just certain tables).

So for what I'm doing, the ideal interface would be a way to tell pg_dump "When 
you're done dumping all table structures but before you get to any constraints, please 
run $COMMAND and inject it's output into the dump output." For some of the data 
obfuscation we're doing it would be easiest if $COMMAND was a perl script instead of SQL, 
but we could probably convert it.

Of course, many other folks actually need the ability to just spit out specific 
portions of the dump; I'm hoping we can come up with something that supports 
both concepts.

Well, the Unix approach is to use tools that do one thing well to build up more complex tools. Making pg_dump run some external command to inject things into the stream seems like the wrong thing given this philosophy. Use pg_dump to get the bits you want (pre-data, post-data) and sandwich them around whatever else you want. As for getting data from just certain tables, I just posted a patch for pg_dump to exclude data for certain tables, and we could look at providing a positive as well as a negative filter if there is sufficient demand.



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