On 9 November 2011 02:42, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 8:12 PM, Thom Brown <t...@linux.com> wrote:
>> Why is this marked as done on with Wiki's todo list?
> I assume you're referring to this item:
> --
> \dd is missing comments for several types of objects.  Comments are
> not handled at all for some object types, and are handled by both \dd
> and the individual backslash command for others. Consider a system
> view like pg_comments to manage this mess.
> --
> What we did is modify psql so that all the backslash commands display
> comments for their corresponding object types, at least when the +
> modifier is used.  We then made \dd display comments for all object
> types that lack their own backslash commands.  That seems like it
> pretty much covers the todo item.
> I initially thought that pg_comments could be used *by psql*, which
> seemed to me a good argument in favor of its general utility.  When we
> didn't end up doing it that way, the view got less appealing to me.
> I'm still willing to add it if enough people say they want it, but so
> far I think we've gotten about three votes between +0.25 and +0.50 and
> a -1 from Tom.  Which is not really enough for me to feel like pulling
> the trigger.

Okay, I've skim-read this topic too lightly.  I understand now.

Can I ask, for which type of object are there comments for which we
still can't easily find without this proposed view?

Thom Brown
Twitter: @darkixion
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