"Kevin Grittner" <kevin.gritt...@wicourts.gov> wrote:
> I'm considering submitting a proposal to management that I be
> assigned to work on a declarative implementation in PostgreSQL to
> allow speedier application development of software needing
> materialized views.
Thanks to all who provided feedback and support in response to my
Based on the feedback here and off-list, I did submit a proposal. 
It was just approved by the appropriate steering committee
(consisting of our CIO, the Director of State Courts, District Court
Administrators, Judges, Clerks of Court, and other stake-holders) as
a low-priority project.  That means that I expect I'll have the time
to get a patch together in time for 9.3, but the times at which the
decks will be clear of other assignments to allow work on this will
not be very predictable.  I'll probably be on-again, off-again
throughout the year.  I apologize in advance for the fact that the
times when I will be able to work on it might not fit well with the
release cycle or CFs, but I kinda have to take what I can get in
that regard.

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