Andres Freund <> wrote:
> I think opannotate -a -s produces output with instructions/code
> intermingled.
Thanks.  I'll check out perf later (thanks for the tips!), but for
now, here's the function which was at the top of my oprofile
results, annotated with those options.  I'm afraid it's a bit
intimidating to me -- the last time I did much with X86 assembly
language was in the mid-80s, on an 80286.  :-/  Hopefully, since
this is at the top of the oprofile results when running with
prepared statements, it will be of use to somebody.
The instructions which are shown as having that 1% still seem odd to
me, but as you say, they were probably actually waiting for some
previous operation to finish:
 43329  0.3211 :  70b56a:       test   %rbp,%rbp
 99903  0.7404 :  70b58a:       mov    %rax,0x18(%rsp)
If anyone wants any other detail from what I captured, let me know.

000000000070b520 <hash_search_with_hash_value>: /* hash_search_with_hash_value 
total: 495463  3.6718 */
               :hash_search_with_hash_value(HTAB *hashp,
               :                                                        const 
void *keyPtr,
               :                                                        uint32 
               :                                                        bool 
  5023  0.0372 :  70b520:       push   %r15
  5967  0.0442 :  70b522:       push   %r14
  1407  0.0104 :  70b524:       mov    %rdi,%r14
    30 2.2e-04 :  70b527:       push   %r13
  2495  0.0185 :  70b529:       push   %r12
  2631  0.0195 :  70b52b:       mov    %edx,%r12d
    18 1.3e-04 :  70b52e:       push   %rbp
  1277  0.0095 :  70b52f:       push   %rbx
               :static inline uint32
               :calc_bucket(HASHHDR *hctl, uint32 hash_val)
               :        uint32          bucket;
               :        bucket = hash_val & hctl->high_mask;
  2122  0.0157 :  70b530:       mov    %edx,%ebx
               :hash_search_with_hash_value(HTAB *hashp,
               :                                                        const 
void *keyPtr,
               :                                                        uint32 
               :                                                        bool 
   247  0.0018 :  70b532:       sub    $0x58,%rsp
   236  0.0017 :  70b536:       mov    %rsi,0x10(%rsp)
  3851  0.0285 :  70b53b:       mov    %ecx,0xc(%rsp)
  2551  0.0189 :  70b53f:       mov    %r8,(%rsp)
               :        HASHHDR    *hctl = hashp->hctl;
  2225  0.0165 :  70b543:       mov    (%rdi),%r15
               :static inline uint32
               :calc_bucket(HASHHDR *hctl, uint32 hash_val)
               :        uint32          bucket;
               :        bucket = hash_val & hctl->high_mask;
  4544  0.0337 :  70b546:       and    0x2c(%r15),%ebx
               :        if (bucket > hctl->max_bucket)
 53409  0.3958 :  70b54a:       cmp    0x28(%r15),%ebx
               :  70b54e:       jbe    70b554 <hash_search_with_hash_value+0x34>
               :                bucket = bucket & hctl->low_mask;
  3324  0.0246 :  70b550:       and    0x30(%r15),%ebx
               :        bucket = calc_bucket(hctl, hashvalue);
               :        segment_num = bucket >> hashp->sshift;
               :        segment_ndx = MOD(bucket, hashp->ssize);
               :        segp = hashp->dir[segment_num];
  9702  0.0719 :  70b554:       mov    0x58(%r14),%ecx
  2428  0.0180 :  70b558:       mov    %ebx,%eax
   489  0.0036 :  70b55a:       mov    0x8(%r14),%rdx
               :         * Do the initial lookup
               :         */
               :        bucket = calc_bucket(hctl, hashvalue);
               :        segment_num = bucket >> hashp->sshift;
               :        segment_ndx = MOD(bucket, hashp->ssize);
   391  0.0029 :  70b55e:       mov    0x50(%r14),%r13
               :        segp = hashp->dir[segment_num];
  2062  0.0153 :  70b562:       shr    %cl,%eax
   309  0.0023 :  70b564:       mov    %eax,%eax
   643  0.0048 :  70b566:       mov    (%rdx,%rax,8),%rbp
               :        if (segp == NULL)
 43329  0.3211 :  70b56a:       test   %rbp,%rbp
  1284  0.0095 :  70b56d:       je     70b727 
               :                hash_corrupted(hashp);
               :        prevBucketPtr = &segp[segment_ndx];
  1878  0.0139 :  70b573:       lea    -0x1(%r13),%rax
               :        currBucket = *prevBucketPtr;
               :        /*
               :         * Follow collision chain looking for matching key
               :         */
               :        match = hashp->match;           /* save one fetch in 
inner loop */
    35 2.6e-04 :  70b577:       mov    0x18(%r14),%r13
               :        segp = hashp->dir[segment_num];
               :        if (segp == NULL)
               :                hash_corrupted(hashp);
               :        prevBucketPtr = &segp[segment_ndx];
    41 3.0e-04 :  70b57b:       and    %ebx,%eax
   434  0.0032 :  70b57d:       lea    0x0(%rbp,%rax,8),%rbp
               :        /*
               :         * Follow collision chain looking for matching key
               :         */
               :        match = hashp->match;           /* save one fetch in 
inner loop */
               :        keysize = hashp->keysize;       /* ditto */
  2007  0.0149 :  70b582:       mov    0x48(%r14),%rax
               :        if (segp == NULL)
               :                hash_corrupted(hashp);
               :        prevBucketPtr = &segp[segment_ndx];
               :        currBucket = *prevBucketPtr;
   122 9.0e-04 :  70b586:       mov    0x0(%rbp),%rbx
               :        /*
               :         * Follow collision chain looking for matching key
               :         */
               :        match = hashp->match;           /* save one fetch in 
inner loop */
               :        keysize = hashp->keysize;       /* ditto */
 99903  0.7404 :  70b58a:       mov    %rax,0x18(%rsp)
               :        while (currBucket != NULL)
  1066  0.0079 :  70b58f:       test   %rbx,%rbx
               :  70b592:       jne    70b5ab <hash_search_with_hash_value+0x8b>
  2273  0.0168 :  70b594:       jmp    70b5d0 <hash_search_with_hash_value+0xb0>
               :  70b596:       nopw   %cs:0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
               :        {
               :                if (currBucket->hashvalue == hashvalue &&
               :                        match(ELEMENTKEY(currBucket), keyPtr, 
keysize) == 0)
               :                        break;
               :                prevBucketPtr = &(currBucket->link);
  1362  0.0101 :  70b5a0:       mov    %rbx,%rbp
               :                currBucket = *prevBucketPtr;
   655  0.0049 :  70b5a3:       mov    (%rbx),%rbx
               :         * Follow collision chain looking for matching key
               :         */
               :        match = hashp->match;           /* save one fetch in 
inner loop */
               :        keysize = hashp->keysize;       /* ditto */
               :        while (currBucket != NULL)
   608  0.0045 :  70b5a6:       test   %rbx,%rbx
               :  70b5a9:       je     70b5d0 <hash_search_with_hash_value+0xb0>
               :        {
               :                if (currBucket->hashvalue == hashvalue &&
  3504  0.0260 :  70b5ab:       cmp    %r12d,0x8(%rbx)
 98486  0.7299 :  70b5af:       nop
  1233  0.0091 :  70b5b0:       jne    70b5a0 <hash_search_with_hash_value+0x80>
  1750  0.0130 :  70b5b2:       lea    0x10(%rbx),%rdi
   310  0.0023 :  70b5b6:       mov    0x18(%rsp),%rdx
   871  0.0065 :  70b5bb:       mov    0x10(%rsp),%rsi
   131 9.7e-04 :  70b5c0:       callq  *%r13
  2031  0.0151 :  70b5c3:       test   %eax,%eax
               :  70b5c5:       jne    70b5a0 <hash_search_with_hash_value+0x80>
   822  0.0061 :  70b5c7:       nopw   0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
               :                hash_collisions++;
               :                hctl->collisions++;
               :        }
               :        if (foundPtr)
  2268  0.0168 :  70b5d0:       cmpq   $0x0,(%rsp)
  3831  0.0284 :  70b5d5:       je     70b5e1 <hash_search_with_hash_value+0xc1>
               :                *foundPtr = (bool) (currBucket != NULL);
  1411  0.0105 :  70b5d7:       mov    (%rsp),%rdx
   951  0.0070 :  70b5db:       test   %rbx,%rbx
   125 9.3e-04 :  70b5de:       setne  (%rdx)
               :        /*
               :         * OK, now what?
               :         */
               :        switch (action)
  4249  0.0315 :  70b5e1:       cmpl   $0x1,0xc(%rsp)
   928  0.0069 :  70b5e6:       je     70b650 
   656  0.0049 :  70b5e8:       jae    70b610 <hash_search_with_hash_value+0xf0>
               :        {
               :                case HASH_FIND:
               :                        if (currBucket != NULL)
   806  0.0060 :  70b5ea:       test   %rbx,%rbx
   216  0.0016 :  70b5ed:       je     70b78a 
               :                        /* FALL THRU */
               :                case HASH_ENTER:
               :                        /* Return existing element if found, 
else create one */
               :                        if (currBucket != NULL)
               :                                return (void *) 
  2059  0.0153 :  70b5f3:       lea    0x10(%rbx),%r13
               :        }
               :        elog(ERROR, "unrecognized hash action code: %d", (int) 
               :        return NULL;                            /* keep 
compiler quiet */
  1418  0.0105 :  70b5f7:       add    $0x58,%rsp
   445  0.0033 :  70b5fb:       mov    %r13,%rax
   516  0.0038 :  70b5fe:       pop    %rbx
  2323  0.0172 :  70b5ff:       pop    %rbp
  1023  0.0076 :  70b600:       pop    %r12
  1208  0.0090 :  70b602:       pop    %r13
  1149  0.0085 :  70b604:       pop    %r14
  1806  0.0134 :  70b606:       pop    %r15
  1349  0.0100 :  70b608:       retq   
               :  70b609:       nopl   0x0(%rax)
               :                *foundPtr = (bool) (currBucket != NULL);
               :        /*
               :         * OK, now what?
               :         */
               :        switch (action)
  1687  0.0125 :  70b610:       cmpl   $0x2,0xc(%rsp)
  1815  0.0135 :  70b615:       je     70b6d0 
    38 2.8e-04 :  70b61b:       cmpl   $0x3,0xc(%rsp)
    34 2.5e-04 :  70b620:       je     70b650 
               :                        }
               :                        return (void *) ELEMENTKEY(currBucket);
               :        }
               :        elog(ERROR, "unrecognized hash action code: %d", (int) 
               :  70b622:       mov    $0x86b6c0,%edx
               :  70b627:       mov    $0x3c5,%esi
               :  70b62c:       mov    $0x86b493,%edi
               :  70b631:       callq  7035f0 <elog_start>
               :  70b636:       mov    0xc(%rsp),%edx
               :  70b63a:       mov    $0x86b5f0,%esi
               :  70b63f:       mov    $0x14,%edi
               :  70b644:       xor    %eax,%eax
               :  70b646:       xor    %r13d,%r13d
               :  70b649:       callq  7033f0 <elog_finish>
               :  70b64e:       jmp    70b5f7 <hash_search_with_hash_value+0xd7>
               :                        Assert(hashp->alloc != DynaHashAlloc);
               :                        /* FALL THRU */
               :                case HASH_ENTER:
               :                        /* Return existing element if found, 
else create one */
               :                        if (currBucket != NULL)
  3030  0.0225 :  70b650:       test   %rbx,%rbx
               :  70b653:       jne    70b5f3 <hash_search_with_hash_value+0xd3>
               :                                return (void *) 
               :                        /* disallow inserts if frozen */
               :                        if (hashp->frozen)
  2150  0.0159 :  70b655:       cmpb   $0x0,0x42(%r14)
  1410  0.0104 :  70b65a:       nopw   0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
    11 8.2e-05 :  70b660:       jne    70b998 
               : */
               :static HASHBUCKET
               :get_hash_entry(HTAB *hashp)
               :        /* use volatile pointer to prevent code rearrangement */
               :        volatile HASHHDR *hctlv = hashp->hctl;
   405  0.0030 :  70b666:       mov    (%r14),%rbx
   251  0.0019 :  70b669:       mov    $0x1,%r13d
     7 5.2e-05 :  70b66f:       nop
     2 1.5e-05 :  70b670:       jmp    70b6a9 
               :  70b672:       nopw   0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
               :                /* if partitioned, must lock to touch nentries 
and freeList */
               :                if (IS_PARTITIONED(hctlv))
               :                        SpinLockAcquire(&hctlv->mutex);
               :                /* try to get an entry from the freelist */
               :                newElement = hctlv->freeList;
   824  0.0061 :  70b678:       mov    0x10(%rbx),%rcx
               :                if (newElement != NULL)
  5315  0.0394 :  70b67c:       test   %rcx,%rcx
               :                /* if partitioned, must lock to touch nentries 
and freeList */
               :                if (IS_PARTITIONED(hctlv))
               :                        SpinLockAcquire(&hctlv->mutex);
               :                /* try to get an entry from the freelist */
               :                newElement = hctlv->freeList;
   242  0.0018 :  70b67f:       mov    %rcx,0x50(%rsp)
               :                if (newElement != NULL)
   559  0.0041 :  70b684:       jne    70b9c6 
               :                        break;
               :                /* no free elements.  allocate another chunk of 
buckets */
               :                if (IS_PARTITIONED(hctlv))
               :  70b68a:       mov    0x48(%rbx),%rax
               :  70b68e:       test   %rax,%rax
               :  70b691:       je     70b696 
               :                        SpinLockRelease(&hctlv->mutex);
               :  70b693:       movb   $0x0,(%rbx)
               :                if (!element_alloc(hashp, hctlv->nelem_alloc))
               :  70b696:       mov    0x6c(%rbx),%esi
               :  70b699:       mov    %r14,%rdi
               :  70b69c:       callq  70b370 <element_alloc>
               :  70b6a1:       test   %al,%al
               :  70b6a3:       je     70b7a9 
               :        HASHBUCKET      newElement;
               :        for (;;)
               :        {
               :                /* if partitioned, must lock to touch nentries 
and freeList */
               :                if (IS_PARTITIONED(hctlv))
   875  0.0065 :  70b6a9:       mov    0x48(%rbx),%rax
  2327  0.0172 :  70b6ad:       test   %rax,%rax
   238  0.0018 :  70b6b0:       je     70b678 
   137  0.0010 :  70b6b2:       mov    %r13d,%eax
    88 6.5e-04 :  70b6b5:       lock xchg %al,(%rbx)
               :                        SpinLockAcquire(&hctlv->mutex);
  6001  0.0445 :  70b6b8:       test   %al,%al
               :  70b6ba:       je     70b678 
     6 4.4e-05 :  70b6bc:       mov    $0x3d8,%edx
     3 2.2e-05 :  70b6c1:       mov    $0x86b493,%esi
               :  70b6c6:       mov    %rbx,%rdi
     1 7.4e-06 :  70b6c9:       callq  6342c0 <s_lock>
               :  70b6ce:       jmp    70b678 
               :                        if (currBucket != NULL)
               :                                return (void *) 
               :                        return NULL;
               :                case HASH_REMOVE:
               :                        if (currBucket != NULL)
  4191  0.0311 :  70b6d0:       test   %rbx,%rbx
               :  70b6d3:       je     70b78a 
               :                        {
               :                                /* use volatile pointer to 
prevent code rearrangement */
               :                                volatile HASHHDR *hctlv = hctl;
               :                                /* if partitioned, must lock to 
touch nentries and freeList */
               :                                if (IS_PARTITIONED(hctlv))
  1161  0.0086 :  70b6d9:       mov    0x48(%r15),%rax
  1912  0.0142 :  70b6dd:       test   %rax,%rax
   176  0.0013 :  70b6e0:       je     70b6f3 
    22 1.6e-04 :  70b6e2:       mov    $0x1,%eax
    27 2.0e-04 :  70b6e7:       lock xchg %al,(%r15)
  6770  0.0502 :  70b6eb:       test   %al,%al
    18 1.3e-04 :  70b6ed:       jne    70b792 
               :                                Assert(hctlv->nentries > 0);
               :                                hctlv->nentries--;
  1385  0.0103 :  70b6f3:       mov    0x8(%r15),%rax
  5134  0.0380 :  70b6f7:       sub    $0x1,%rax
   220  0.0016 :  70b6fb:       mov    %rax,0x8(%r15)
               :                                /* remove record from hash 
bucket's chain. */
               :                                *prevBucketPtr = 
   490  0.0036 :  70b6ff:       mov    (%rbx),%rax
  2146  0.0159 :  70b702:       mov    %rax,0x0(%rbp)
               :                                /* add the record to the 
freelist for this table.  */
               :                                currBucket->link = 
   749  0.0056 :  70b706:       mov    0x10(%r15),%rax
   118 8.7e-04 :  70b70a:       mov    %rax,(%rbx)
               :                                hctlv->freeList = currBucket;
   169  0.0013 :  70b70d:       mov    %rbx,0x10(%r15)
               :                                if (IS_PARTITIONED(hctlv))
   244  0.0018 :  70b711:       mov    0x48(%r15),%rax
    44 3.3e-04 :  70b715:       test   %rax,%rax
               :  70b718:       je     70b5f3 <hash_search_with_hash_value+0xd3>
    22 1.6e-04 :  70b71e:       movb   $0x0,(%r15)
     8 5.9e-05 :  70b722:       jmpq   70b5f3 <hash_search_with_hash_value+0xd3>
               :        /*
               :         * If the corruption is in a shared hashtable, we'd 
better force a
               :         * systemwide restart.  Otherwise, just shut down this 
one backend.
               :         */
               :        if (hashp->isshared)
               :  70b727:       cmpb   $0x0,0x40(%r14)
               :  70b72c:       je     70b75c 
               :                elog(PANIC, "hash table \"%s\" corrupted", 
               :  70b72e:       mov    $0x86b6dc,%edx
               :  70b733:       mov    $0x569,%esi
               :  70b738:       mov    $0x86b493,%edi
               :  70b73d:       callq  7035f0 <elog_start>
               :  70b742:       mov    0x38(%r14),%rdx
               :  70b746:       mov    $0x86b49e,%esi
               :  70b74b:       mov    $0x16,%edi
               :  70b750:       xor    %eax,%eax
               :  70b752:       callq  7033f0 <elog_finish>
               :  70b757:       jmpq   70b573 <hash_search_with_hash_value+0x53>
               :        else
               :                elog(FATAL, "hash table \"%s\" corrupted", 
               :  70b75c:       mov    $0x86b6dc,%edx
               :  70b761:       mov    $0x56b,%esi
               :  70b766:       mov    $0x86b493,%edi
               :  70b76b:       callq  7035f0 <elog_start>
               :  70b770:       mov    0x38(%r14),%rdx
               :  70b774:       mov    $0x86b49e,%esi
               :  70b779:       mov    $0x15,%edi
               :  70b77e:       xor    %eax,%eax
               :  70b780:       callq  7033f0 <elog_finish>
               :  70b785:       jmpq   70b573 <hash_search_with_hash_value+0x53>
               :                        return (void *) ELEMENTKEY(currBucket);
               :        }
               :        elog(ERROR, "unrecognized hash action code: %d", (int) 
               :        return NULL;                            /* keep 
compiler quiet */
   433  0.0032 :  70b78a:       xor    %r13d,%r13d
   103 7.6e-04 :  70b78d:       jmpq   70b5f7 <hash_search_with_hash_value+0xd7>
               :                                /* use volatile pointer to 
prevent code rearrangement */
               :                                volatile HASHHDR *hctlv = hctl;
               :                                /* if partitioned, must lock to 
touch nentries and freeList */
               :                                if (IS_PARTITIONED(hctlv))
    10 7.4e-05 :  70b792:       mov    $0x36f,%edx
     5 3.7e-05 :  70b797:       mov    $0x86b493,%esi
               :  70b79c:       mov    %r15,%rdi
     1 7.4e-06 :  70b79f:       callq  6342c0 <s_lock>
     1 7.4e-06 :  70b7a4:       jmpq   70b6f3 
               :                        currBucket = get_hash_entry(hashp);
               :                        if (currBucket == NULL)
               :                        {
               :                                /* out of memory */
               :                                if (action == HASH_ENTER_NULL)
               :  70b7a9:       cmpl   $0x3,0xc(%rsp)
               :  70b7ae:       je     70b78a 
               :                                        return NULL;
               :                                /* report a generic message */
               :                                if (hashp->isshared)
               :  70b7b0:       cmpb   $0x0,0x40(%r14)
               :  70b7b5:       je     70bab1 
               :                                        ereport(ERROR,
               :  70b7bb:       xor    %r8d,%r8d
               :  70b7be:       mov    $0x14,%edi
               :  70b7c3:       mov    $0x86b6c0,%ecx
               :  70b7c8:       mov    $0x3a0,%edx
               :  70b7cd:       mov    $0x86b493,%esi
               :  70b7d2:       callq  702d60 <errstart>
               :  70b7d7:       test   %al,%al
               :  70b7d9:       mov    $0x848307,%edi
               :  70b7de:       jne    70bada 
errmsg("out of shared memory")));
               :                                else
               :                                        ereport(ERROR,
               :  70b7e4:       mov    $0x10,%r13d
errmsg("out of memory")));
               :                        }
               :                        /* link into hashbucket chain */
               :                        *prevBucketPtr = currBucket;
  1997  0.0148 :  70b7ea:       mov    0x50(%rsp),%rcx
               :                        currBucket->link = NULL;
               :                        /* copy key into record */
               :                        currBucket->hashvalue = hashvalue;
               :                        hashp->keycopy(ELEMENTKEY(currBucket), 
keyPtr, keysize);
  1108  0.0082 :  70b7ef:       mov    %r13,%rdi
errmsg("out of memory")));
               :                        }
               :                        /* link into hashbucket chain */
               :                        *prevBucketPtr = currBucket;
    11 8.2e-05 :  70b7f2:       mov    %rcx,0x0(%rbp)
               :                        currBucket->link = NULL;
   639  0.0047 :  70b7f6:       movq   $0x0,(%rcx)
               :                        /* copy key into record */
               :                        currBucket->hashvalue = hashvalue;
  1539  0.0114 :  70b7fd:       mov    %r12d,0x8(%rcx)
               :                        hashp->keycopy(ELEMENTKEY(currBucket), 
keyPtr, keysize);
  1262  0.0094 :  70b801:       mov    0x18(%rsp),%rdx
   191  0.0014 :  70b806:       mov    0x10(%rsp),%rsi
   157  0.0012 :  70b80b:       callq  *0x20(%r14)
               :                         * Check if it is time to split a 
bucket.  Can't split if running
               :                         * in partitioned mode, nor if table is 
the subject of any active
               :                         * hash_seq_search scans.  Strange 
order of these tests is to try
               :                         * to check cheaper conditions first.
               :                         */
               :                        if (!IS_PARTITIONED(hctl) &&
   483  0.0036 :  70b80f:       cmpq   $0x0,0x48(%r15)
   343  0.0025 :  70b814:       jne    70b5f7 <hash_search_with_hash_value+0xd7>
   234  0.0017 :  70b81a:       mov    0x28(%r15),%eax
   127 9.4e-04 :  70b81e:       mov    0x8(%r15),%rdx
   257  0.0019 :  70b822:       add    $0x1,%eax
    15 1.1e-04 :  70b825:       mov    %rax,%rcx
   105 7.8e-04 :  70b828:       mov    %rdx,%rax
   144  0.0011 :  70b82b:       sar    $0x3f,%rdx
   165  0.0012 :  70b82f:       idiv   %rcx
 12710  0.0942 :  70b832:       cmp    0x50(%r15),%rax
               :  70b836:       jl     70b5f7 <hash_search_with_hash_value+0xd7>
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