Robert Haas <> writes:
> accomplish.  Instead, you're just concerned about allowing some but
> not all versions of package A to provide feature F, so that other
> extensions can depend on F to get the specific version of A that they
> need (and not, as I had assumed, so that they can get either A or B).


> Let me think more about that.  Maybe I'm just easily confused here, or
> maybe there is something that should be changed in the code or docs;
> I'm not sure yet.

Agreed, there's certainly something to expand on here.

> On a more prosaic note, you seem to have made a mistake when
> generating the v5 diff.  It includes reverts of a couple of unrelated,
> recent patches.

Ouch. It seems to happen to me too often. I probably need to get the
shallow clones setup where you have different directories hosting each a
different git branch so that you don't need to checkout just to update
your local master, etc.

>> WTF? WTF?
> On a further note, I have spent a heck of a lot more time reviewing
> other people's patches this CommitFest than you have, and I don't
> appreciate this.  If you'd rather that I didn't spend time on this
> patch, I have plenty of other things to do with my time.

Sorry about that. I'm on a crazy schedule and too tired, and I wanted to
be sure to attract your attention on a misunderstanding here. It's also
not clear to me what level of language WTF really is, or “dude” to take
another example. I'll be sure not to use that again when I aim at being
polite yet dense.

Dimitri Fontaine     PostgreSQL : Expertise, Formation et Support

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