> I really dislike the notion of turning off checkpointing.  What if the
> backup process dies or gets stuck (eg, it's waiting for some 
> operator to
> change a tape, but the operator has gone to lunch)?  IMHO, backup
> systems that depend on breaking the system's normal 
> operational behavior
> are broken.  It should be sufficient to force a checkpoint when you
> start and when you're done --- altering normal operation in between is
> a bad design.

But you have to prevent log files reusing while you copy data files.
That's why I asked are 3 commands from pg_copy required and couldn't
be backup accomplished by issuing single command

ALTER SYSTEM BACKUP <dir | stdout (to copy data to client side)>

(even from pgsql) so backup process would die with entire system -:)
As for tape changing, maybe we could use some timeout and then just
stop backup process.


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