> 2012/6/26 Kohei KaiGai <kai...@kaigai.gr.jp>:
> > Harada-san,
> >
> > I checked your patch, and had an impression that includes many
> > improvements from the previous revision that I looked at the last
> > commit fest.
> >
> > However, I noticed several points to be revised, or investigated.
> >
> > * It seems to me expected results of the regression test is not
> >   attached, even though test cases were included. Please add it.

KaiGai-san, Did you find the file?  That is in the contrib/pgsql_fdw/expected
directory, named pgsql_fdw.out.  If necessary, I will send the file to you.
BTW, I found some bugs on the expected results of the file.  Attached is a patch
fixing the bugs.


Best regards,
Etsuro Fujita

Attachment: pgsql_fdw_regress.patch
Description: Binary data

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