On 24 Srpen 2012, 23:25, Tomas Vondra wrote:
> Hi,
> this patch adds support for aggregation of info written into the log.
> Instead of info about each transaction, a summary for time intervals (with
> custom length) is written into the log. All you need to do is add "-A
> seconds", e.g.
>   $ pgbench -T 3600 -A 10 -l db
> which will produce log with 10-second summaries, containing interval start
> timestamp, number of transactions, sum of latencies, sum of 2nd power of
> latencies, min and max latency (it's done this way to allow handling of
> multiple logs produced by "-j" option).

I've forgot to mention that just like the other patch, this is meant for
cases when you really don't need the raw per-transaction info, but
per-second summary is just enough. This is helpful especially when the
test produces a lot of transaction, thus huge log files etc.

So you can either log all the transactions and then post-process the huge
files, or completely skip that and just log the summaries.


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