On 09/05/2012 09:46 AM, Andrew Dunstan wrote:

On 09/05/2012 09:11 AM, Bruce Momjian wrote:

I reviewed this idea and supports this patch's inclusion in 9.2.  I was
unclear why it was needed, but I see pg_dumpall, which is the file
pg_upgrade splits apart, as also using binary mode to write this file:

            OPF = fopen(filename, PG_BINARY_W);

I agree with Tom that pg_upgrade needs some quiet time.  ;-) Andrew,
have a sufficient number of buildfarm members verified our recent
patches that this can be added.  My patch from last night was mostly C
comments so isn't something that needs testing.

I am quite happy not committing anything for now.

There are two buildfarm members doing pg_upgrade tests: crake (Fedora 16) and pitta (Windows/Mingw64). The buildfarm code is experimental and not in any release yet, and when it is the test will be optional.

The PG_BINARY_W change has only been verified on a non-buildfarm setup on my laptop (Mingw)

Note that while it does look like there's a bug either in pg_upgrade or pg_dumpall, it's probably mostly harmless (adding some spurious CRs to function code bodies on Windows). I'd feel happier if it didn't, and happier still if I knew for sure the ultimate origin. Your pg_dumpall discovery above is interesting. I might have time later on today to delve into all this. I'm out of contact for the next few hours.

OK, I now have a complete handle on what's going on here, and withdraw my earlier statement that I am confused on this issue :-)

First, one lot of CRs is produced because the pg_upgrade test script calls pg_dumpall without -f and redirects that to a file, which Windows kindly opens on text mode. The solution to that is to change the test script to use pg_dumpall -f instead.

The second lot of CRs (seen in the second dump file in the diff i previously sent) is produced by pg_upgrade writing its output in text mode, which turns LF into CRLF. The solution to that is the patch to dump.c I posted, which, as Bruce observed, does the same thing that pg_dumpall does. Arguably, it should also open the input file in binary, so that if there really is a CRLF in the dump it won't be eaten.

Another question is whether or not pg_dumpall (and pg_dump in text mode too for that matter) should be trying to suppress newline translation on its output even to stdout. It already does that for non-text formats (see call to setmode()) but I don't see why we shouldn't for text as well. But those are obviously longstanding bugs that we can leave to another day.



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