Greg Smith wrote:
> On 11/11/12 2:56 PM, Jeff Davis wrote:
> >We could have a separate utility, pg_checksums, that can
> >alter the state and/or do an offline verification. And initdb would take
> >an option that would start everything out fully protected with
> >checksums.
> Adding an initdb option to start out with everything checksummed
> seems an uncontroversial good first thing to have available.


> Won't a pg_checksums program just grow until it looks like a limited
> version of vacuum though?  It's going to iterate over most of the
> table; it needs the same cost controls as autovacuum (and to respect
> the load of concurrent autovacuum work) to keep I/O under control;
> and those cost control values might change if there's a SIGHUP to
> reload parameters. It looks so much like vacuum that I think there
> needs to be a really compelling reason to split it into something
> new.  Why can't this be yet another autovacuum worker that does its
> thing?

I agree that much of the things it's gonna do are going to be pretty
much the same as vacuum, but vacuum does so many other things that I
think it should be kept separate.  Sure, we can make it be invoked from
autovacuum in background according to some (yet to be devised)
scheduling heuristics.  But I don't see that it needs to share any
vacuum code.

A couple of thoughts about autovacuum: it's important to figure out
whether checksumming can run concurrently with vacuuming the same table;
if not, which one defers to the other in case of lock conflict.  Also,
can checksumming be ignored by concurrent transactions when computing
Xmin (I don't see any reason not to ...)

> One of the really common cases I was expecting here is that
> conversions are done by kicking off a slow background VACUUM
> CHECKSUM job that might run in pieces.  I was thinking of an
> approach like this:
> -Initialize a last_checked_block value for each table
> -Loop:
> --Grab the next block after the last checked one
> --When on the last block of the relation, grab an exclusive lock to
> protect against race conditions with extension

Note that we have a separate lock type for relation extension, so we can
use that to avoid a conflict here.

> --If it's marked as checksummed and the checksum matches, skip it
> ---Otherwise, add a checksum and write it out
> --When that succeeds, update last_checked_block
> --If that was the last block, save some state saying the whole table
> is checkedsummed

"Some state" can be a pg_class field that's updated per

Álvaro Herrera      
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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