On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 1:12 PM, Fujii Masao <masao.fu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> set_pglocale_pgservice() should be called?
> I think that the command name (i.e., pg_isready) should be given to
> PQpingParams() as fallback_application_name. Otherwise, the server
> by default uses "unknown" as the application name of pg_isready.
> It's undesirable.
> Why isn't the following message output only when invalid option is
> specified?
>     Try \"%s --help\" for more information.

I've updated the patch to address these three issues. Attached.

> When the conninfo string including the hostname or port number is
> specified in -d option, pg_isready displays the wrong information
> as follows.
>     $ pg_isready -d "port=9999"
>     /tmp:5432 - no response

This is what i asked about in my previous email about precedence of
the parameters. I can parse that with PQconninfoParse, but what are
the rules for merging both individual and conninfo params together?

For example if someone did: pg_isready -h foo -d "host=bar port=4321" -p 1234

What should the connection parameters be?

> Regards,
> --
> Fujii Masao

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