Here's an updated version of this patch that takes care of the issues I
reported previously: no more repalloc() of the requests array; it's now
an slist, which makes the code much more natural IMV.  And no more
messing around with doing sprintf to create a separate sprintf pattern
for the per-db stats file; instead have a function to return the name
that uses just the pgstat dir as stored by GUC.  I think this can be
further simplified still.

I haven't reviewed the rest yet; please do give this a try to confirm
that the speedups previously reported are still there (i.e. I didn't
completely blew it).


Álvaro Herrera      
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services
*** a/src/backend/postmaster/pgstat.c
--- b/src/backend/postmaster/pgstat.c
*** 38,43 ****
--- 38,44 ----
  #include "access/xact.h"
  #include "catalog/pg_database.h"
  #include "catalog/pg_proc.h"
+ #include "lib/ilist.h"
  #include "libpq/ip.h"
  #include "libpq/libpq.h"
  #include "libpq/pqsignal.h"
*** 66,73 ****
   * Paths for the statistics files (relative to installation's $PGDATA).
   * ----------
! #define PGSTAT_STAT_PERMANENT_FILENAME		"global/pgstat.stat"
! #define PGSTAT_STAT_PERMANENT_TMPFILE		"global/pgstat.tmp"
  /* ----------
   * Timer definitions.
--- 67,75 ----
   * Paths for the statistics files (relative to installation's $PGDATA).
   * ----------
! #define PGSTAT_STAT_PERMANENT_FILENAME		"pg_stat/global.stat"
! #define PGSTAT_STAT_PERMANENT_TMPFILE		"pg_stat/global.tmp"
  /* ----------
   * Timer definitions.
*** 115,120 **** int			pgstat_track_activity_query_size = 1024;
--- 117,123 ----
   * Built from GUC parameter
   * ----------
+ char	   *pgstat_stat_directory = NULL;
  char	   *pgstat_stat_filename = NULL;
  char	   *pgstat_stat_tmpname = NULL;
*** 219,229 **** static int	localNumBackends = 0;
  static PgStat_GlobalStats globalStats;
! /* Last time the collector successfully wrote the stats file */
! static TimestampTz last_statwrite;
! /* Latest statistics request time from backends */
! static TimestampTz last_statrequest;
  static volatile bool need_exit = false;
  static volatile bool got_SIGHUP = false;
--- 222,237 ----
  static PgStat_GlobalStats globalStats;
! /* Write request info for each database */
! typedef struct DBWriteRequest
! {
! 	Oid			databaseid;		/* OID of the database to write */
! 	TimestampTz request_time;	/* timestamp of the last write request */
! 	slist_node	next;
! } DBWriteRequest;
! /* Latest statistics request time from backends for each DB */
! static slist_head	last_statrequests = SLIST_STATIC_INIT(last_statrequests);
  static volatile bool need_exit = false;
  static volatile bool got_SIGHUP = false;
*** 252,262 **** static void pgstat_sighup_handler(SIGNAL_ARGS);
  static PgStat_StatDBEntry *pgstat_get_db_entry(Oid databaseid, bool create);
  static PgStat_StatTabEntry *pgstat_get_tab_entry(PgStat_StatDBEntry *dbentry,
  					 Oid tableoid, bool create);
! static void pgstat_write_statsfile(bool permanent);
! static HTAB *pgstat_read_statsfile(Oid onlydb, bool permanent);
  static void backend_read_statsfile(void);
  static void pgstat_read_current_status(void);
  static void pgstat_send_tabstat(PgStat_MsgTabstat *tsmsg);
  static void pgstat_send_funcstats(void);
  static HTAB *pgstat_collect_oids(Oid catalogid);
--- 260,276 ----
  static PgStat_StatDBEntry *pgstat_get_db_entry(Oid databaseid, bool create);
  static PgStat_StatTabEntry *pgstat_get_tab_entry(PgStat_StatDBEntry *dbentry,
  					 Oid tableoid, bool create);
! static void pgstat_write_statsfile(bool permanent, bool force);
! static void pgstat_write_db_statsfile(PgStat_StatDBEntry * dbentry, bool permanent);
! static void pgstat_write_db_dummyfile(Oid databaseid);
! static HTAB *pgstat_read_statsfile(Oid onlydb, bool permanent, bool onlydbs);
! static void pgstat_read_db_statsfile(Oid databaseid, HTAB *tabhash, HTAB *funchash, bool permanent);
  static void backend_read_statsfile(void);
  static void pgstat_read_current_status(void);
+ static bool pgstat_write_statsfile_needed(void);
+ static bool pgstat_db_requested(Oid databaseid);
  static void pgstat_send_tabstat(PgStat_MsgTabstat *tsmsg);
  static void pgstat_send_funcstats(void);
  static HTAB *pgstat_collect_oids(Oid catalogid);
*** 285,291 **** static void pgstat_recv_recoveryconflict(PgStat_MsgRecoveryConflict *msg, int le
  static void pgstat_recv_deadlock(PgStat_MsgDeadlock *msg, int len);
  static void pgstat_recv_tempfile(PgStat_MsgTempFile *msg, int len);
  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
   * Public functions called from postmaster follow
   * ------------------------------------------------------------
--- 299,304 ----
*** 549,556 **** startup_failed:
! 	unlink(pgstat_stat_filename);
--- 562,605 ----
! 	DIR * dir;
! 	struct dirent * entry;
! 	dir = AllocateDir(pgstat_stat_directory);
! 	while ((entry = ReadDir(dir, pgstat_stat_directory)) != NULL)
! 	{
! 		char   *fname;
! 		int		totlen;
! 		if (strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(entry->d_name, "..") == 0)
! 			continue;
! 		totlen = strlen(pgstat_stat_directory) + strlen(entry->d_name) + 2;
! 		fname = palloc(totlen);
! 		snprintf(fname, totlen, "%s/%s", pgstat_stat_directory, entry->d_name);
! 		unlink(fname);
! 		pfree(fname);
! 	}
! 	FreeDir(dir);
! 	while ((entry = ReadDir(dir, PGSTAT_STAT_PERMANENT_DIRECTORY)) != NULL)
! 	{
! 		char   *fname;
! 		int		totlen;
! 		if (strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(entry->d_name, "..") == 0)
! 			continue;
! 		totlen = strlen(pgstat_stat_directory) + strlen(entry->d_name) + 2;
! 		fname = palloc(totlen);
! 		snprintf(fname, totlen, "%s/%s", PGSTAT_STAT_PERMANENT_FILENAME, entry->d_name);
! 		unlink(fname);
! 		pfree(fname);
! 	}
! 	FreeDir(dir);
*** 1408,1420 **** pgstat_ping(void)
   * ----------
  static void
! pgstat_send_inquiry(TimestampTz clock_time, TimestampTz cutoff_time)
  	PgStat_MsgInquiry msg;
  	pgstat_setheader(&msg.m_hdr, PGSTAT_MTYPE_INQUIRY);
  	msg.clock_time = clock_time;
  	msg.cutoff_time = cutoff_time;
  	pgstat_send(&msg, sizeof(msg));
--- 1457,1470 ----
   * ----------
  static void
! pgstat_send_inquiry(TimestampTz clock_time, TimestampTz cutoff_time, Oid databaseid)
  	PgStat_MsgInquiry msg;
  	pgstat_setheader(&msg.m_hdr, PGSTAT_MTYPE_INQUIRY);
  	msg.clock_time = clock_time;
  	msg.cutoff_time = cutoff_time;
+ 	msg.databaseid = databaseid;
  	pgstat_send(&msg, sizeof(msg));
*** 3004,3009 **** PgstatCollectorMain(int argc, char *argv[])
--- 3054,3060 ----
  	int			len;
  	PgStat_Msg	msg;
  	int			wr;
+ 	bool		first_write = true;
  	IsUnderPostmaster = true;	/* we are a postmaster subprocess now */
*** 3053,3069 **** PgstatCollectorMain(int argc, char *argv[])
  	init_ps_display("stats collector process", "", "", "");
- 	 * Arrange to write the initial status file right away
- 	 */
- 	last_statrequest = GetCurrentTimestamp();
- 	last_statwrite = last_statrequest - 1;
- 	/*
  	 * Read in an existing statistics stats file or initialize the stats to
! 	 * zero.
  	pgStatRunningInCollector = true;
! 	pgStatDBHash = pgstat_read_statsfile(InvalidOid, true);
  	 * Loop to process messages until we get SIGQUIT or detect ungraceful
--- 3104,3114 ----
  	init_ps_display("stats collector process", "", "", "");
  	 * Read in an existing statistics stats file or initialize the stats to
! 	 * zero (read data for all databases, including table/func stats).
  	pgStatRunningInCollector = true;
! 	pgStatDBHash = pgstat_read_statsfile(InvalidOid, true, false);
  	 * Loop to process messages until we get SIGQUIT or detect ungraceful
*** 3107,3116 **** PgstatCollectorMain(int argc, char *argv[])
  			 * Write the stats file if a new request has arrived that is not
! 			 * satisfied by existing file.
! 			if (last_statwrite < last_statrequest)
! 				pgstat_write_statsfile(false);
  			 * Try to receive and process a message.  This will not block,
--- 3152,3165 ----
  			 * Write the stats file if a new request has arrived that is not
! 			 * satisfied by existing file (force writing all files if it's
! 			 * the first write after startup).
! 			if (first_write || pgstat_write_statsfile_needed())
! 			{
! 				pgstat_write_statsfile(false, first_write);
! 				first_write = false;
! 			}
  			 * Try to receive and process a message.  This will not block,
*** 3269,3275 **** PgstatCollectorMain(int argc, char *argv[])
  	 * Save the final stats to reuse at next startup.
! 	pgstat_write_statsfile(true);
--- 3318,3324 ----
  	 * Save the final stats to reuse at next startup.
! 	pgstat_write_statsfile(true, true);
*** 3349,3354 **** pgstat_get_db_entry(Oid databaseid, bool create)
--- 3398,3404 ----
  		result->n_block_write_time = 0;
  		result->stat_reset_timestamp = GetCurrentTimestamp();
+ 		result->stats_timestamp = 0;
  		memset(&hash_ctl, 0, sizeof(hash_ctl));
  		hash_ctl.keysize = sizeof(Oid);
*** 3429,3451 **** pgstat_get_tab_entry(PgStat_StatDBEntry *dbentry, Oid tableoid, bool create)
   *	shutting down only), remove the temporary file so that backends
   *	starting up under a new postmaster can't read the old data before
   *	the new collector is ready.
   * ----------
  static void
! pgstat_write_statsfile(bool permanent)
  	PgStat_StatDBEntry *dbentry;
- 	PgStat_StatTabEntry *tabentry;
- 	PgStat_StatFuncEntry *funcentry;
  	FILE	   *fpout;
  	int32		format_id;
  	const char *tmpfile = permanent ? PGSTAT_STAT_PERMANENT_TMPFILE : pgstat_stat_tmpname;
  	const char *statfile = permanent ? PGSTAT_STAT_PERMANENT_FILENAME : pgstat_stat_filename;
  	int			rc;
  	 * Open the statistics temp file to write out the current values.
--- 3479,3503 ----
   *	shutting down only), remove the temporary file so that backends
   *	starting up under a new postmaster can't read the old data before
   *	the new collector is ready.
+  *
+  *	When 'allDbs' is false, only the requested databases (listed in
+  * 	last_statrequests) will be written. If 'allDbs' is true, all databases
+  * 	will be written.
   * ----------
  static void
! pgstat_write_statsfile(bool permanent, bool allDbs)
  	PgStat_StatDBEntry *dbentry;
  	FILE	   *fpout;
  	int32		format_id;
  	const char *tmpfile = permanent ? PGSTAT_STAT_PERMANENT_TMPFILE : pgstat_stat_tmpname;
  	const char *statfile = permanent ? PGSTAT_STAT_PERMANENT_FILENAME : pgstat_stat_filename;
  	int			rc;
+ 	elog(DEBUG1, "writing statsfile '%s'", statfile);
  	 * Open the statistics temp file to write out the current values.
*** 3484,3489 **** pgstat_write_statsfile(bool permanent)
--- 3536,3555 ----
  	while ((dbentry = (PgStat_StatDBEntry *) hash_seq_search(&hstat)) != NULL)
+ 		 * Write our the tables and functions into a separate file, but only
+ 		 * if the database is in the requests or if all DBs are to be written.
+ 		 *
+ 		 * We need to do this before the dbentry write to write the proper
+ 		 * timestamp to the global file.
+ 		 */
+ 		if (allDbs || pgstat_db_requested(dbentry->databaseid))
+ 		{
+ 			elog(DEBUG1, "writing statsfile for DB %d", dbentry->databaseid);
+ 			dbentry->stats_timestamp = globalStats.stats_timestamp;
+ 			pgstat_write_db_statsfile(dbentry, permanent);
+ 		}
+ 		/*
  		 * Write out the DB entry including the number of live backends. We
  		 * don't write the tables or functions pointers, since they're of no
  		 * use to any other process.
*** 3493,3521 **** pgstat_write_statsfile(bool permanent)
  		(void) rc;				/* we'll check for error with ferror */
- 		 * Walk through the database's access stats per table.
- 		 */
- 		hash_seq_init(&tstat, dbentry->tables);
- 		while ((tabentry = (PgStat_StatTabEntry *) hash_seq_search(&tstat)) != NULL)
- 		{
- 			fputc('T', fpout);
- 			rc = fwrite(tabentry, sizeof(PgStat_StatTabEntry), 1, fpout);
- 			(void) rc;			/* we'll check for error with ferror */
- 		}
- 		/*
- 		 * Walk through the database's function stats table.
- 		 */
- 		hash_seq_init(&fstat, dbentry->functions);
- 		while ((funcentry = (PgStat_StatFuncEntry *) hash_seq_search(&fstat)) != NULL)
- 		{
- 			fputc('F', fpout);
- 			rc = fwrite(funcentry, sizeof(PgStat_StatFuncEntry), 1, fpout);
- 			(void) rc;			/* we'll check for error with ferror */
- 		}
- 		/*
  		 * Mark the end of this DB
  		fputc('d', fpout);
--- 3559,3568 ----
  		(void) rc;				/* we'll check for error with ferror */
  		 * Mark the end of this DB
+ 		 *
+ 		 * TODO Does using these chars still make sense, when the tables/func
+ 		 * stats are moved to a separate file?
  		fputc('d', fpout);
*** 3527,3532 **** pgstat_write_statsfile(bool permanent)
--- 3574,3607 ----
  	fputc('E', fpout);
+ 	/* In any case, we can just throw away all the db requests, but we need to
+ 	 * write dummy files for databases without a stat entry (it would cause
+ 	 * issues in pgstat_read_db_statsfile_timestamp and pgstat wait timeouts).
+ 	 * This may happen e.g. for shared DB (oid = 0) right after initdb.
+ 	 */
+ 	if (!slist_is_empty(&last_statrequests))
+ 	{
+ 		slist_mutable_iter	iter;
+ 		slist_foreach_modify(iter, &last_statrequests)
+ 		{
+ 			DBWriteRequest *req = slist_container(DBWriteRequest, next,
+ 												  iter.cur);
+ 			/*
+ 			 * Create dummy files for requested databases without a proper
+ 			 * dbentry. It's much easier this way than dealing with multiple
+ 			 * timestamps, possibly existing but not yet written DBs etc.
+ 			 * */
+ 			if (!pgstat_get_db_entry(req->databaseid, false))
+ 				pgstat_write_db_dummyfile(req->databaseid);
+ 			pfree(req);
+ 		}
+ 		slist_init(&last_statrequests);
+ 	}
  	if (ferror(fpout))
*** 3552,3608 **** pgstat_write_statsfile(bool permanent)
  						tmpfile, statfile)));
- 	else
- 	{
- 		/*
- 		 * Successful write, so update last_statwrite.
- 		 */
- 		last_statwrite = globalStats.stats_timestamp;
- 		/*
- 		 * If there is clock skew between backends and the collector, we could
- 		 * receive a stats request time that's in the future.  If so, complain
- 		 * and reset last_statrequest.	Resetting ensures that no inquiry
- 		 * message can cause more than one stats file write to occur.
- 		 */
- 		if (last_statrequest > last_statwrite)
- 		{
- 			char	   *reqtime;
- 			char	   *mytime;
- 			/* Copy because timestamptz_to_str returns a static buffer */
- 			reqtime = pstrdup(timestamptz_to_str(last_statrequest));
- 			mytime = pstrdup(timestamptz_to_str(last_statwrite));
- 			elog(LOG, "last_statrequest %s is later than collector's time %s",
- 				 reqtime, mytime);
- 			pfree(reqtime);
- 			pfree(mytime);
- 			last_statrequest = last_statwrite;
- 		}
- 	}
  	if (permanent)
  /* ----------
   * pgstat_read_statsfile() -
   *	Reads in an existing statistics collector file and initializes the
   *	databases' hash table (whose entries point to the tables' hash tables).
   * ----------
  static HTAB *
! pgstat_read_statsfile(Oid onlydb, bool permanent)
  	PgStat_StatDBEntry *dbentry;
  	PgStat_StatDBEntry dbbuf;
- 	PgStat_StatTabEntry *tabentry;
- 	PgStat_StatTabEntry tabbuf;
- 	PgStat_StatFuncEntry funcbuf;
- 	PgStat_StatFuncEntry *funcentry;
  	HASHCTL		hash_ctl;
  	HTAB	   *dbhash;
  	HTAB	   *tabhash = NULL;
--- 3627,3905 ----
  						tmpfile, statfile)));
  	if (permanent)
+ /*
+  * return the length that a DB stat file would have (including terminating \0)
+  *
+  * XXX We could avoid this overhead by caching a maximum length in
+  * assign_pgstat_temp_directory; also the distinctions on "permanent" and
+  * "tempname" seem pointless (what do you mean to save one byte of stack
+  * space!?)
+  */
+ static int
+ get_dbstat_file_len(bool permanent, bool tempname, Oid databaseid)
+ {
+ 	char	tmp[1];
+ 	int		len;
+ 	/* don't actually print, but return how many chars would be used */
+ 	len = snprintf(tmp, 1, "%s/db_%u.%s",
+ 				   permanent ? "pg_stat" : pgstat_stat_directory,
+ 				   databaseid,
+ 				   tempname ? "tmp" : "stat");
+ 	/* XXX pointless? */
+ 	if (len >= MAXPGPATH)
+ 		elog(PANIC, "pgstat path too long");
+ 	/* count terminating \0 */
+ 	return len + 1;
+ }
+ /*
+  * return the filename for a DB stat file; filename is the output buffer,
+  * and len is its length.
+  */
+ static void
+ get_dbstat_filename(bool permanent, bool tempname, Oid databaseid,
+ 					char *filename, int len)
+ {
+ 	int		printed;
+ 	printed =
+ #endif
+ 		snprintf(filename, len, "%s/db_%u.%s",
+ 				 permanent ? "pg_stat" : pgstat_stat_directory,
+ 				 databaseid,
+ 				 tempname ? "tmp" : "stat");
+ 	Assert(printed <= len);
+ }
+ /* ----------
+  * pgstat_write_db_statsfile() -
+  *
+  *	Tell the news. This writes stats file for a single database.
+  *
+  *	If writing to the permanent file (happens when the collector is
+  *	shutting down only), remove the temporary file so that backends
+  *	starting up under a new postmaster can't read the old data before
+  *	the new collector is ready.
+  * ----------
+  */
+ static void
+ pgstat_write_db_statsfile(PgStat_StatDBEntry * dbentry, bool permanent)
+ {
+ 	PgStat_StatTabEntry *tabentry;
+ 	PgStat_StatFuncEntry *funcentry;
+ 	FILE	   *fpout;
+ 	int32		format_id;
+ 	Oid			dbid = dbentry->databaseid;
+ 	int			rc;
+ 	int			tmpfilelen = get_dbstat_file_len(permanent, true, dbid);
+ 	char		tmpfile[tmpfilelen];
+ 	int			statfilelen = get_dbstat_file_len(permanent, false, dbid);
+ 	char		statfile[statfilelen];
+ 	get_dbstat_filename(permanent, true, dbid, tmpfile, tmpfilelen);
+ 	get_dbstat_filename(permanent, false, dbid, statfile, statfilelen);
+ 	elog(DEBUG1, "writing statsfile '%s'", statfile);
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Open the statistics temp file to write out the current values.
+ 	 */
+ 	fpout = AllocateFile(tmpfile, PG_BINARY_W);
+ 	if (fpout == NULL)
+ 	{
+ 		ereport(LOG,
+ 				(errcode_for_file_access(),
+ 				 errmsg("could not open temporary statistics file \"%s\": %m",
+ 						tmpfile)));
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Write the file header --- currently just a format ID.
+ 	 */
+ 	format_id = PGSTAT_FILE_FORMAT_ID;
+ 	rc = fwrite(&format_id, sizeof(format_id), 1, fpout);
+ 	(void) rc;					/* we'll check for error with ferror */
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Write the timestamp.
+ 	 */
+ 	rc = fwrite(&(globalStats.stats_timestamp), sizeof(globalStats.stats_timestamp), 1, fpout);
+ 	(void) rc;					/* we'll check for error with ferror */
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Walk through the database's access stats per table.
+ 	 */
+ 	hash_seq_init(&tstat, dbentry->tables);
+ 	while ((tabentry = (PgStat_StatTabEntry *) hash_seq_search(&tstat)) != NULL)
+ 	{
+ 		fputc('T', fpout);
+ 		rc = fwrite(tabentry, sizeof(PgStat_StatTabEntry), 1, fpout);
+ 		(void) rc;			/* we'll check for error with ferror */
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Walk through the database's function stats table.
+ 	 */
+ 	hash_seq_init(&fstat, dbentry->functions);
+ 	while ((funcentry = (PgStat_StatFuncEntry *) hash_seq_search(&fstat)) != NULL)
+ 	{
+ 		fputc('F', fpout);
+ 		rc = fwrite(funcentry, sizeof(PgStat_StatFuncEntry), 1, fpout);
+ 		(void) rc;			/* we'll check for error with ferror */
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+ 	 * No more output to be done. Close the temp file and replace the old
+ 	 * pgstat.stat with it.  The ferror() check replaces testing for error
+ 	 * after each individual fputc or fwrite above.
+ 	 */
+ 	fputc('E', fpout);
+ 	if (ferror(fpout))
+ 	{
+ 		ereport(LOG,
+ 				(errcode_for_file_access(),
+ 			   errmsg("could not write temporary statistics file \"%s\": %m",
+ 					  tmpfile)));
+ 		FreeFile(fpout);
+ 		unlink(tmpfile);
+ 	}
+ 	else if (FreeFile(fpout) < 0)
+ 	{
+ 		ereport(LOG,
+ 				(errcode_for_file_access(),
+ 			   errmsg("could not close temporary statistics file \"%s\": %m",
+ 					  tmpfile)));
+ 		unlink(tmpfile);
+ 	}
+ 	else if (rename(tmpfile, statfile) < 0)
+ 	{
+ 		ereport(LOG,
+ 				(errcode_for_file_access(),
+ 				 errmsg("could not rename temporary statistics file \"%s\" to \"%s\": %m",
+ 						tmpfile, statfile)));
+ 		unlink(tmpfile);
+ 	}
+ 	if (permanent)
+ 	{
+ 		elog(DEBUG1, "removing temporary stat file '%s'", tmpfile);
+ 		unlink(tmpfile);
+ 	}
+ }
+ /* ----------
+  * pgstat_write_db_dummyfile() -
+  *
+  *	All this does is writing a dummy stat file for databases without dbentry
+  *	yet. It basically writes just a file header - format ID and a timestamp.
+  * ----------
+  */
+ static void
+ pgstat_write_db_dummyfile(Oid databaseid)
+ {
+ 	FILE	   *fpout;
+ 	int32		format_id;
+ 	int			rc;
+ 	int			tmpfilelen = get_dbstat_file_len(false, true, databaseid);
+ 	char		tmpfile[tmpfilelen];
+ 	int			statfilelen = get_dbstat_file_len(false, false, databaseid);
+ 	char		statfile[statfilelen];
+ 	get_dbstat_filename(false, true, databaseid, tmpfile, tmpfilelen);
+ 	get_dbstat_filename(false, false, databaseid, statfile, statfilelen);
+ 	elog(DEBUG1, "writing statsfile '%s'", statfile);
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Open the statistics temp file to write out the current values.
+ 	 */
+ 	fpout = AllocateFile(tmpfile, PG_BINARY_W);
+ 	if (fpout == NULL)
+ 	{
+ 		ereport(LOG,
+ 				(errcode_for_file_access(),
+ 				 errmsg("could not open temporary statistics file \"%s\": %m",
+ 						tmpfile)));
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Write the file header --- currently just a format ID.
+ 	 */
+ 	format_id = PGSTAT_FILE_FORMAT_ID;
+ 	rc = fwrite(&format_id, sizeof(format_id), 1, fpout);
+ 	(void) rc;					/* we'll check for error with ferror */
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Write the timestamp.
+ 	 */
+ 	rc = fwrite(&(globalStats.stats_timestamp), sizeof(globalStats.stats_timestamp), 1, fpout);
+ 	(void) rc;					/* we'll check for error with ferror */
+ 	/*
+ 	 * No more output to be done. Close the temp file and replace the old
+ 	 * pgstat.stat with it.  The ferror() check replaces testing for error
+ 	 * after each individual fputc or fwrite above.
+ 	 */
+ 	fputc('E', fpout);
+ 	if (ferror(fpout))
+ 	{
+ 		ereport(LOG,
+ 				(errcode_for_file_access(),
+ 			   errmsg("could not write temporary dummy statistics file \"%s\": %m",
+ 					  tmpfile)));
+ 		FreeFile(fpout);
+ 		unlink(tmpfile);
+ 	}
+ 	else if (FreeFile(fpout) < 0)
+ 	{
+ 		ereport(LOG,
+ 				(errcode_for_file_access(),
+ 			   errmsg("could not close temporary dummy statistics file \"%s\": %m",
+ 					  tmpfile)));
+ 		unlink(tmpfile);
+ 	}
+ 	else if (rename(tmpfile, statfile) < 0)
+ 	{
+ 		ereport(LOG,
+ 				(errcode_for_file_access(),
+ 				 errmsg("could not rename temporary dummy statistics file \"%s\" to \"%s\": %m",
+ 						tmpfile, statfile)));
+ 		unlink(tmpfile);
+ 	}
+ }
  /* ----------
   * pgstat_read_statsfile() -
   *	Reads in an existing statistics collector file and initializes the
   *	databases' hash table (whose entries point to the tables' hash tables).
+  *
+  *	Allows reading only the global stats (at database level), which is just
+  *	enough for many purposes (e.g. autovacuum launcher etc.). If this is
+  *	sufficient for you, use onlydbs=true.
   * ----------
  static HTAB *
! pgstat_read_statsfile(Oid onlydb, bool permanent, bool onlydbs)
  	PgStat_StatDBEntry *dbentry;
  	PgStat_StatDBEntry dbbuf;
  	HASHCTL		hash_ctl;
  	HTAB	   *dbhash;
  	HTAB	   *tabhash = NULL;
*** 3613,3618 **** pgstat_read_statsfile(Oid onlydb, bool permanent)
--- 3910,3920 ----
  	const char *statfile = permanent ? PGSTAT_STAT_PERMANENT_FILENAME : pgstat_stat_filename;
+ 	 * If we want a db-level stats only, we don't want a particular db.
+ 	 */
+ 	Assert(!((onlydb != InvalidOid) && onlydbs));
+ 	/*
  	 * The tables will live in pgStatLocalContext.
*** 3758,3763 **** pgstat_read_statsfile(Oid onlydb, bool permanent)
--- 4060,4075 ----
  				tabhash = dbentry->tables;
  				funchash = dbentry->functions;
+ 				/*
+ 				 * Read the data from the file for this database. If there was
+ 				 * onlydb specified (!= InvalidOid), we would not get here because
+ 				 * of a break above. So we don't need to recheck.
+ 				 */
+ 				if (!onlydbs)
+ 					pgstat_read_db_statsfile(dbentry->databaseid, tabhash, funchash,
+ 											permanent);
*** 3768,3773 **** pgstat_read_statsfile(Oid onlydb, bool permanent)
--- 4080,4177 ----
  				funchash = NULL;
+ 			case 'E':
+ 				goto done;
+ 			default:
+ 				ereport(pgStatRunningInCollector ? LOG : WARNING,
+ 						(errmsg("corrupted statistics file \"%s\"",
+ 								statfile)));
+ 				goto done;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ done:
+ 	FreeFile(fpin);
+ 	if (permanent)
+ 	return dbhash;
+ }
+ /* ----------
+  * pgstat_read_db_statsfile() -
+  *
+  *	Reads in an existing statistics collector db file and initializes the
+  *	tables and functions hash tables (for the database identified by Oid).
+  * ----------
+  */
+ static void
+ pgstat_read_db_statsfile(Oid databaseid, HTAB *tabhash, HTAB *funchash, bool permanent)
+ {
+ 	PgStat_StatTabEntry *tabentry;
+ 	PgStat_StatTabEntry tabbuf;
+ 	PgStat_StatFuncEntry funcbuf;
+ 	PgStat_StatFuncEntry *funcentry;
+ 	FILE	   *fpin;
+ 	int32		format_id;
+ 	TimestampTz timestamp;
+ 	bool		found;
+ 	int			statfilelen = get_dbstat_file_len(permanent, false, databaseid);
+ 	char		statfile[statfilelen];
+ 	get_dbstat_filename(permanent, false, databaseid, statfile, statfilelen);
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Try to open the status file. If it doesn't exist, the backends simply
+ 	 * return zero for anything and the collector simply starts from scratch
+ 	 * with empty counters.
+ 	 *
+ 	 * ENOENT is a possibility if the stats collector is not running or has
+ 	 * not yet written the stats file the first time.  Any other failure
+ 	 * condition is suspicious.
+ 	 */
+ 	if ((fpin = AllocateFile(statfile, PG_BINARY_R)) == NULL)
+ 	{
+ 		if (errno != ENOENT)
+ 			ereport(pgStatRunningInCollector ? LOG : WARNING,
+ 					(errcode_for_file_access(),
+ 					 errmsg("could not open statistics file \"%s\": %m",
+ 							statfile)));
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Verify it's of the expected format.
+ 	 */
+ 	if (fread(&format_id, 1, sizeof(format_id), fpin) != sizeof(format_id)
+ 		|| format_id != PGSTAT_FILE_FORMAT_ID)
+ 	{
+ 		ereport(pgStatRunningInCollector ? LOG : WARNING,
+ 				(errmsg("corrupted statistics file \"%s\"", statfile)));
+ 		goto done;
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Read global stats struct
+ 	 */
+ 	if (fread(&timestamp, 1, sizeof(timestamp), fpin) != sizeof(timestamp))
+ 	{
+ 		ereport(pgStatRunningInCollector ? LOG : WARNING,
+ 				(errmsg("corrupted statistics file \"%s\"", statfile)));
+ 		goto done;
+ 	}
+ 	/*
+ 	 * We found an existing collector stats file. Read it and put all the
+ 	 * hashtable entries into place.
+ 	 */
+ 	for (;;)
+ 	{
+ 		switch (fgetc(fpin))
+ 		{
  				 * 'T'	A PgStat_StatTabEntry follows.
*** 3854,3878 **** done:
  	if (permanent)
! 	return dbhash;
  /* ----------
!  * pgstat_read_statsfile_timestamp() -
!  *	Attempt to fetch the timestamp of an existing stats file.
   *	Returns TRUE if successful (timestamp is stored at *ts).
   * ----------
  static bool
! pgstat_read_statsfile_timestamp(bool permanent, TimestampTz *ts)
! 	PgStat_GlobalStats myGlobalStats;
  	FILE	   *fpin;
  	int32		format_id;
! 	const char *statfile = permanent ? PGSTAT_STAT_PERMANENT_FILENAME : pgstat_stat_filename;
  	 * Try to open the status file.  As above, anything but ENOENT is worthy
--- 4258,4294 ----
  	if (permanent)
! 	{
! 		int		statfilelen = get_dbstat_file_len(permanent, false, databaseid);
! 		char	statfile[statfilelen];
! 		get_dbstat_filename(permanent, false, databaseid, statfile, statfilelen);
! 		elog(DEBUG1, "removing permanent stats file '%s'", statfile);
! 		unlink(statfile);
! 	}
! 	return;
  /* ----------
!  * pgstat_read_db_statsfile_timestamp() -
!  *	Attempt to fetch the timestamp of an existing stats file (for a DB).
   *	Returns TRUE if successful (timestamp is stored at *ts).
   * ----------
  static bool
! pgstat_read_db_statsfile_timestamp(Oid databaseid, bool permanent, TimestampTz *ts)
! 	TimestampTz timestamp;
  	FILE	   *fpin;
  	int32		format_id;
! 	int			filenamelen = get_dbstat_file_len(permanent, false, databaseid);
! 	char		statfile[filenamelen];
! 	get_dbstat_filename(permanent, false, databaseid, statfile, filenamelen);
  	 * Try to open the status file.  As above, anything but ENOENT is worthy
*** 3903,3909 **** pgstat_read_statsfile_timestamp(bool permanent, TimestampTz *ts)
  	 * Read global stats struct
! 	if (fread(&myGlobalStats, 1, sizeof(myGlobalStats), fpin) != sizeof(myGlobalStats))
  		ereport(pgStatRunningInCollector ? LOG : WARNING,
  				(errmsg("corrupted statistics file \"%s\"", statfile)));
--- 4319,4325 ----
  	 * Read global stats struct
! 	if (fread(&timestamp, 1, sizeof(TimestampTz), fpin) != sizeof(TimestampTz))
  		ereport(pgStatRunningInCollector ? LOG : WARNING,
  				(errmsg("corrupted statistics file \"%s\"", statfile)));
*** 3911,3917 **** pgstat_read_statsfile_timestamp(bool permanent, TimestampTz *ts)
  		return false;
! 	*ts = myGlobalStats.stats_timestamp;
  	return true;
--- 4327,4333 ----
  		return false;
! 	*ts = timestamp;
  	return true;
*** 3947,3953 **** backend_read_statsfile(void)
! 		ok = pgstat_read_statsfile_timestamp(false, &file_ts);
  		cur_ts = GetCurrentTimestamp();
  		/* Calculate min acceptable timestamp, if we didn't already */
--- 4363,4369 ----
! 		ok = pgstat_read_db_statsfile_timestamp(MyDatabaseId, false, &file_ts);
  		cur_ts = GetCurrentTimestamp();
  		/* Calculate min acceptable timestamp, if we didn't already */
*** 4006,4012 **** backend_read_statsfile(void)
! 			pgstat_send_inquiry(cur_ts, min_ts);
--- 4422,4428 ----
! 			pgstat_send_inquiry(cur_ts, min_ts, MyDatabaseId);
*** 4016,4022 **** backend_read_statsfile(void)
  		/* Not there or too old, so kick the collector and wait a bit */
  		if ((count % PGSTAT_INQ_LOOP_COUNT) == 0)
! 			pgstat_send_inquiry(cur_ts, min_ts);
  		pg_usleep(PGSTAT_RETRY_DELAY * 1000L);
--- 4432,4438 ----
  		/* Not there or too old, so kick the collector and wait a bit */
  		if ((count % PGSTAT_INQ_LOOP_COUNT) == 0)
! 			pgstat_send_inquiry(cur_ts, min_ts, MyDatabaseId);
  		pg_usleep(PGSTAT_RETRY_DELAY * 1000L);
*** 4026,4034 **** backend_read_statsfile(void)
  	/* Autovacuum launcher wants stats about all databases */
  	if (IsAutoVacuumLauncherProcess())
! 		pgStatDBHash = pgstat_read_statsfile(InvalidOid, false);
! 		pgStatDBHash = pgstat_read_statsfile(MyDatabaseId, false);
--- 4442,4457 ----
  	/* Autovacuum launcher wants stats about all databases */
  	if (IsAutoVacuumLauncherProcess())
! 		/*
! 		 * FIXME Does it really need info including tables/functions? Or is it enough to read
! 		 * database-level stats? It seems to me the launcher needs PgStat_StatDBEntry only
! 		 * (at least that's how I understand the rebuild_database_list() in autovacuum.c),
! 		 * because pgstat_stattabentries are used in do_autovacuum() only, that that's what's
! 		 * executed in workers ... So maybe we'd be just fine by reading in the dbentries?
! 		 */
! 		pgStatDBHash = pgstat_read_statsfile(InvalidOid, false, true);
! 		pgStatDBHash = pgstat_read_statsfile(MyDatabaseId, false, false);
*** 4084,4109 **** pgstat_clear_snapshot(void)
  static void
  pgstat_recv_inquiry(PgStat_MsgInquiry *msg, int len)
! 	 * Advance last_statrequest if this requestor has a newer cutoff time
! 	 * than any previous request.
! 	if (msg->cutoff_time > last_statrequest)
! 		last_statrequest = msg->cutoff_time;
! 	 * If the requestor's local clock time is older than last_statwrite, we
  	 * should suspect a clock glitch, ie system time going backwards; though
  	 * the more likely explanation is just delayed message receipt.  It is
  	 * worth expending a GetCurrentTimestamp call to be sure, since a large
  	 * retreat in the system clock reading could otherwise cause us to neglect
  	 * to update the stats file for a long time.
! 	if (msg->clock_time < last_statwrite)
  		TimestampTz cur_ts = GetCurrentTimestamp();
! 		if (cur_ts < last_statwrite)
  			 * Sure enough, time went backwards.  Force a new stats file write
--- 4507,4559 ----
  static void
  pgstat_recv_inquiry(PgStat_MsgInquiry *msg, int len)
+ 	slist_iter	iter;
+ 	bool		found = false;
+ 	DBWriteRequest *newreq;
+ 	PgStat_StatDBEntry *dbentry;
+ 	elog(DEBUG1, "received inquiry for %d", msg->databaseid);
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Find the last write request for this DB (found=true in that case). Plain
+ 	 * linear search, not really worth doing any magic here (probably).
+ 	 */
+ 	slist_foreach(iter, &last_statrequests)
+ 	{
+ 		DBWriteRequest *req = slist_container(DBWriteRequest, next, iter.cur);
+ 		if (req->databaseid != msg->databaseid)
+ 			continue;
+ 		if (msg->cutoff_time > req->request_time)
+ 			req->request_time = msg->cutoff_time;
+ 		found = true;
+ 		return;
+ 	}
! 	 * There's no request for this DB yet, so create one.
! 	newreq = palloc(sizeof(DBWriteRequest));
! 	newreq->databaseid = msg->databaseid;
! 	newreq->request_time = msg->clock_time;
! 	slist_push_head(&last_statrequests, &newreq->next);
! 	 * If the requestor's local clock time is older than stats_timestamp, we
  	 * should suspect a clock glitch, ie system time going backwards; though
  	 * the more likely explanation is just delayed message receipt.  It is
  	 * worth expending a GetCurrentTimestamp call to be sure, since a large
  	 * retreat in the system clock reading could otherwise cause us to neglect
  	 * to update the stats file for a long time.
! 	dbentry = pgstat_get_db_entry(msg->databaseid, false);
! 	if ((dbentry != NULL) && (msg->clock_time < dbentry->stats_timestamp))
  		TimestampTz cur_ts = GetCurrentTimestamp();
! 		if (cur_ts < dbentry->stats_timestamp)
  			 * Sure enough, time went backwards.  Force a new stats file write
*** 4113,4127 **** pgstat_recv_inquiry(PgStat_MsgInquiry *msg, int len)
  			char	   *mytime;
  			/* Copy because timestamptz_to_str returns a static buffer */
! 			writetime = pstrdup(timestamptz_to_str(last_statwrite));
  			mytime = pstrdup(timestamptz_to_str(cur_ts));
! 			elog(LOG, "last_statwrite %s is later than collector's time %s",
! 				 writetime, mytime);
! 			last_statrequest = cur_ts;
! 			last_statwrite = last_statrequest - 1;
--- 4563,4578 ----
  			char	   *mytime;
  			/* Copy because timestamptz_to_str returns a static buffer */
! 			writetime = pstrdup(timestamptz_to_str(dbentry->stats_timestamp));
  			mytime = pstrdup(timestamptz_to_str(cur_ts));
! 			elog(LOG,
! 				 "stats_timestamp %s is later than collector's time %s for db %d",
! 				 writetime, mytime, dbentry->databaseid);
! 			newreq->request_time = cur_ts;
! 			dbentry->stats_timestamp = cur_ts - 1;
*** 4270,4298 **** pgstat_recv_tabpurge(PgStat_MsgTabpurge *msg, int len)
  static void
  pgstat_recv_dropdb(PgStat_MsgDropdb *msg, int len)
  	PgStat_StatDBEntry *dbentry;
  	 * Lookup the database in the hashtable.
! 	dbentry = pgstat_get_db_entry(msg->m_databaseid, false);
! 	 * If found, remove it.
  	if (dbentry)
  		if (dbentry->tables != NULL)
  		if (dbentry->functions != NULL)
  		if (hash_search(pgStatDBHash,
! 						(void *) &(dbentry->databaseid),
! 					(errmsg("database hash table corrupted "
! 							"during cleanup --- abort")));
--- 4721,4757 ----
  static void
  pgstat_recv_dropdb(PgStat_MsgDropdb *msg, int len)
+ 	Oid			dbid = msg->m_databaseid;
  	PgStat_StatDBEntry *dbentry;
  	 * Lookup the database in the hashtable.
! 	dbentry = pgstat_get_db_entry(dbid, false);
! 	 * If found, remove it (along with the db statfile).
  	if (dbentry)
+ 		int			statfilelen = get_dbstat_file_len(true, false, dbid);
+ 		char		statfile[statfilelen];
+ 		get_dbstat_filename(true, false, dbid, statfile, statfilelen);
+ 		elog(DEBUG1, "removing %s", statfile);
+ 		unlink(statfile);
  		if (dbentry->tables != NULL)
  		if (dbentry->functions != NULL)
  		if (hash_search(pgStatDBHash,
! 						(void *) &dbid,
! 					(errmsg("database hash table corrupted during cleanup --- abort")));
*** 4687,4689 **** pgstat_recv_funcpurge(PgStat_MsgFuncpurge *msg, int len)
--- 5146,5206 ----
  						   HASH_REMOVE, NULL);
+ /* ----------
+  * pgstat_write_statsfile_needed() -
+  *
+  *	Checks whether there's a db stats request, requiring a file write.
+  *
+  *	TODO Seems that thanks the way we handle last_statrequests (erase after
+  *	a write), this is unnecessary. Just check that there's at least one
+  *	request and you're done. Although there might be delayed requests ...
+  * ----------
+  */
+ static bool
+ pgstat_write_statsfile_needed(void)
+ {
+ 	PgStat_StatDBEntry *dbentry;
+ 	slist_iter	iter;
+ 	/* Check the databases if they need to refresh the stats. */
+ 	slist_foreach(iter, &last_statrequests)
+ 	{
+ 		DBWriteRequest *req = slist_container(DBWriteRequest, next, iter.cur);
+ 		dbentry = pgstat_get_db_entry(req->databaseid, false);
+ 		/* No dbentry yet or too old. */
+ 		if (!dbentry || (dbentry->stats_timestamp < req->request_time))
+ 		{
+ 			return true;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	/* Well, everything was written recently ... */
+ 	return false;
+ }
+ /* ----------
+  * pgstat_write_statsfile_needed() -
+  *
+  *	Checks whether stats for a particular DB need to be written to a file).
+  * ----------
+  */
+ static bool
+ pgstat_db_requested(Oid databaseid)
+ {
+ 	slist_iter	iter;
+ 	/* Check the databases if they need to refresh the stats. */
+ 	slist_foreach(iter, &last_statrequests)
+ 	{
+ 		DBWriteRequest	*req = slist_container(DBWriteRequest, next, iter.cur);
+ 		if (req->databaseid == databaseid)
+ 			return true;
+ 	}
+ 	return false;
+ }
*** a/src/backend/utils/misc/guc.c
--- b/src/backend/utils/misc/guc.c
*** 8704,8717 **** static void
  assign_pgstat_temp_directory(const char *newval, void *extra)
  	/* check_canonical_path already canonicalized newval for us */
  	char	   *tname;
  	char	   *fname;
! 	tname = guc_malloc(ERROR, strlen(newval) + 12);		/* /pgstat.tmp */
! 	sprintf(tname, "%s/pgstat.tmp", newval);
! 	fname = guc_malloc(ERROR, strlen(newval) + 13);		/* /pgstat.stat */
! 	sprintf(fname, "%s/pgstat.stat", newval);
  	if (pgstat_stat_tmpname)
  	pgstat_stat_tmpname = tname;
--- 8704,8726 ----
  assign_pgstat_temp_directory(const char *newval, void *extra)
  	/* check_canonical_path already canonicalized newval for us */
+ 	char	   *dname;
  	char	   *tname;
  	char	   *fname;
! 	/* directory */
! 	dname = guc_malloc(ERROR, strlen(newval) + 1);		/* runtime dir */
! 	sprintf(dname, "%s", newval);
+ 	/* global stats */
+ 	tname = guc_malloc(ERROR, strlen(newval) + 12);		/* /global.tmp */
+ 	sprintf(tname, "%s/global.tmp", newval);
+ 	fname = guc_malloc(ERROR, strlen(newval) + 13);		/* /global.stat */
+ 	sprintf(fname, "%s/global.stat", newval);
+ 	if (pgstat_stat_directory)
+ 		free(pgstat_stat_directory);
+ 	pgstat_stat_directory = dname;
  	if (pgstat_stat_tmpname)
  	pgstat_stat_tmpname = tname;
*** a/src/bin/initdb/initdb.c
--- b/src/bin/initdb/initdb.c
*** 192,197 **** const char *subdirs[] = {
--- 192,198 ----
+ 	"pg_stat",
*** a/src/include/pgstat.h
--- b/src/include/pgstat.h
*** 205,210 **** typedef struct PgStat_MsgInquiry
--- 205,211 ----
  	PgStat_MsgHdr m_hdr;
  	TimestampTz clock_time;		/* observed local clock time */
  	TimestampTz cutoff_time;	/* minimum acceptable file timestamp */
+ 	Oid			databaseid;		/* requested DB (InvalidOid => all DBs) */
  } PgStat_MsgInquiry;
*** 514,520 **** typedef union PgStat_Msg
   * ------------------------------------------------------------
  /* ----------
   * PgStat_StatDBEntry			The collector's data per database
--- 515,521 ----
   * ------------------------------------------------------------
! #define PGSTAT_FILE_FORMAT_ID	0xA240CA47
  /* ----------
   * PgStat_StatDBEntry			The collector's data per database
*** 545,550 **** typedef struct PgStat_StatDBEntry
--- 546,552 ----
  	PgStat_Counter n_block_write_time;
  	TimestampTz stat_reset_timestamp;
+ 	TimestampTz stats_timestamp;		/* time of db stats file update */
  	 * tables and functions must be last in the struct, because we don't write
*** 722,727 **** extern bool pgstat_track_activities;
--- 724,730 ----
  extern bool pgstat_track_counts;
  extern int	pgstat_track_functions;
  extern PGDLLIMPORT int pgstat_track_activity_query_size;
+ extern char *pgstat_stat_directory;
  extern char *pgstat_stat_tmpname;
  extern char *pgstat_stat_filename;
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