"Christopher Kings-Lynne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> struct varlena *data;
> char    *word           = NULL;
> char    *cur_pos        = NULL;
> int     cur_pos_length  = 0;

> data = (struct varlena *) palloc(column_length);

> while(cur_pos > word)
> {
>       cur_pos_length = strlen(cur_pos);
>       /* Line below causes seg fault on SECOND iteration */

You are not telling the whole truth here, as the above code excerpt
will obviously never iterate the WHILE even once.  "NULL > NULL" is
false in every C I ever heard of.

Also, how much is column_length and how does it relate to the amount
of data being copied into *data ?

                        regards, tom lane

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