Hi, I couldn't get any good answers off the ADMIN list, can you help me?

I haven't been able to finding information on this, or at least I
haven't known the right keywords to search for.

We are trying to make  a fully contained, CD-runable version of postgres
for advocacy purposes.
The only problem we are really having is the locking of the database files
in the PGDATA folder.  Since the PGDATA folder is going to be on the CD
(i.e. read-only) normal setup prevents us from doing this.  We indeed, only
want to read data and not write.

Can you direct me to either other resources to read or at least point me to
the settings/functionality that I need to learn more about?  Or better yet
could you give me some guidance on how to get around this.  The simpler the
solution the better (i.e. postmaster
options, environment variables, etc.).

Is it possible somehow?


p.s. We are testing this on a windows beta but I hope that doesn't make a

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