On Fri, 2002-08-30 at 16:34, Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> >On Fri, Aug 30, 2002 at 02:08:59PM -0700, Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> >>
> >> I know that I need to at least get some more understanding on the
> process
> >> that takes place.
> >The problem is that PostgreSQL doesn't have a "read only" mode.  So
> >you can't really do it this way.
> Okay, that answers one of my questions, thanks Andrew. Is this something
> that others may be interested in?  Is it realistic to ask that it be added
> to the TODO list?
> What kind of writes occur normally, how does file locking work.  Could you
> direct me to other resources on this for postgresql?
> >
> >Is there a way to make a RAMDISK on Win32?  If so, Tom Lane's
> >suggestion is probably the best one.  Set up a RAMDISK, put your data
> >directory there, and presto.  Of course, that means you need enough
> >physical memory to hold the database, which might cause problems.
> >
> >What about using the CD-ROM to copy a version of the database onto
> >the hard drive?  You could delete it when your application shuts
> >down, I guess; you'd still need that much free space for your db,
> >though.
> Yes, both good ideas, we've been kicking these around.  But we just wanted
> to exhaust the possibilities before we "give in" :)
> One more idea, is it possible to "fake" a read-write file system.  I.e.
> supply the files that postgresql will be looking for? (I know it's a
> stretch, but hey, this IS the "hackers" list)  :)
The problem is every query wants to write the clog files.....

Larry Rosenman                     http://www.lerctr.org/~ler
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