On 6/5/2013 10:07 PM, Daniel Farina wrote:

If I told you there were some of us who would prefer to attenuate the
rate that things get written rather than cancel or delay archiving for
a long period of time, would that explain the framing of the problem?

I understand that based on what you said above.

Or, is it that you understand that's what I want, but find the notion
of such a operation hard to relate to?

I think this is where I am at. To me, you don't attenuate the rate that things get written, you fix the problem in needing to do so. The problem is one of provisioning. Please note that I am not suggesting there aren't improvements to be made, there absolutely are. I just wonder if we are looking in the right place (outside of some obvious badness like the PANIC running out of disk space).

Or, am I misunderstanding your confusion?
To be honest part of my confusion was just trying to parse all the bits that people were talking about into a cohesive, "this is the actual problem".



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