On 12 June 2013 16:30, Craig Ringer <cr...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:

> None of this is hard if you have  clue what you're doing. Rebuild the Pg
> gem against the right libpq by fixing your PATH so it finds the right
> pg_config, set host=/tmp, or set host=localhost. Any of the three will
> work. Unfortunately most of these users seem to struggle with that, and
> their approach to "it didn't work" appears to be "find another
> tool/tutorial and try that instead".

So we need an "official" tutorial? But which distribution would we point
people to? :)

> The postgres.app documentation its self doesn't look quite right when it
> comes to Ruby, actually. For Ruby/Rails it says the user should use "gem
> install pg" but it doesn't tell them to set the PATH first, so they'll get
> whatever random pg_config is on the PATH first, often Apple's elderly Pg
> with its different socket directory path, etc. Sure, they can get around
> that just by setting host: localhost, but it'd be nice to see that improved
> so it tells them how to build their Pg gem against the correct libpq. Or,
> better, has Postgres.app automatically install it for them when they
> install it.

Hmm, but where to install it? People using rvm or bundler will have their
gems tucked away in a variety of places.



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