Hi Robert,

On 2013-10-09 14:49:46 -0400, Robert Haas wrote:
> I spent some time looking at the sample plugin (patch 9/12).  Here are
> some review comments:
> - I think that the decoding plugin interface should work more like the
> foreign data wrapper interface.  Instead of using pg_dlsym to look up
> fixed names, I think there should be a struct of function pointers
> that gets filled in and registered somehow.

You mean something like CREATE OUTPUT PLUGIN registering a function with
an INTERNAL return value returning a filled struct? I thought about
that, but it seemed more complex. Happy to change it though if it's

> - pg_decode_init() only warns when it encounters an unknown option.
> An error seems more appropriate.

Fine with me. I think I just made it a warning because I wanted to
experiment with options.

> - Still wondering how we'll use this from a bgworker.

Simplified code to consume data:

ctx = CreateLogicalDecodingContext(MyLogicalDecodingSlot, false /* not initial 
call */,
while (true)
        XLogRecord *record;
        char       *errm = NULL;

        record = XLogReadRecord(ctx->reader, startptr, &errm);
        DecodeRecordIntoReorderBuffer(ctx, &buf);

/* at the end or better ever commit or such */
LogicalConfirmReceivedLocation(/* whatever you consumed */);


> - The output format doesn't look very machine-parseable.   I really
> think we ought to provide something that is.  Maybe a CSV-like format,
> or maybe something else, but I don't see why someone who wants to do
> change logging should be forced to write and install C code.  If
> something like Bucardo can run on an unmodified system and extract
> change-sets this way without needing a .so file, that's going to be a
> huge win for usability.

We can change the current format but I really see little to no chance of
agreeing on a replication format that's serviceable to several solutions
short term. Once we've gained some experience - maybe even this cycle -
that might be different.

> More generally on this patch set, if I'm going to be committing any of
> this, I'd prefer to start with what is currently patches 3 and 4, once
> we reach agreement on those.

Sounds like a reasonable start.

> Are we hoping to get any of this committed for this CF?  If so, let's
> make a plan to get that done; time is short.  If not, let's update the
> CF app accordingly.

I'd really like to do so. I am travelling atm, but I will be back
tomorrow evening and will push an updated patch this weekend. The issue
I know of in the latest patches at
is renaming from 

Do you know of anything else in the patches you're referring to?


Andres Freund

 Andres Freund                     http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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