On Thu, 19 September 2002, "Marc G. Fournier" wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Sep 2002, Robert Treat wrote:
> > Well, as with most (all?) GUC variables, wouldn't you have the option of
> > doing postmaster -o "pgxlog=/dev/null" and have the same
> > as -X ?
> True, but then that negates the whole argument about not having a command
> line option, no?  Which I believe was the whole argument on this ... no?

Well, I think it negates the the whole reason to have a specifc command line
option for this. Personally I'd like to see all (well, most) of the command line
options to go away. We still get people emailing us because they cant get
phpPgAdmin to work on a system because they forgot to start it with -i. I try to
explain to them to edit the tcpip setting in the postgresql.conf, but many have
never heard of that setting. 
> > Shouldn't this work the other way around? Use what's in the conf file
> > unless I explicitly state otherwise? IIRC that's how it works with -i
> God, I wish I had thought to note it at the time ... one of the things I
> did when I dove into this was to check how various Unix daemons were doing
> it, now I can't recall which I was looking at that mentioned the config
> file overriding the command line options, but you are correct, the command
> line should override the conf file ...

Robert Treat

LAMP :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

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