Shridhar Daithankar wrote:
> My friend argues for ext2 to eliminate journalling overhead but I favour
> reiserfs personally having used it in pgbench with 10M rows on paltry 20GB IDE
> disk for 25 tps..

If it's any help, the setup I mentioned before with differnt disks for
the data and the WAL files was getting an average of about 72 tps with
200 concurrent users on pgbench.  Haven't tuned it in a hard core way at
all, and it only has 256MB DDR RAM in it at the moment (single CPU
AthonXP 1600).  These are figures made during the 2.5k+ test runs of
pgbench done when developing pg_autotune recently.

As a curiosity point, how predictable are the queries you're going to be
running on your database?  They sound very simple and very predicatable.

The pg_autotune tool might be your friend here.  It can deal with
arbitrary SQL instead of using the pg_bench stuff of Tatsuos, and it can
also deal with an already loaded database.  You'd just have to tweak the
names of the tables that it vacuums and the names of the indexes that it
reindexes between each run, to get some idea of your overall server
performance at different load points.

Probably worth taking a good look at if you're not afraid of editing
variables in C code.  :)
> We will be attempting raiserfs and/or XFS if required. I know how much speed
> difference exists between resiserfs and ext2. Would not be surprised if
> everythng just starts screaming in one go..

We'd all probably be interested to hear this.  Added the PostgreSQL
"Performance" mailing list to this thread too, Just In Case. (wow that's
a lot of cross posting now).

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift
> Bye
>  Shridhar
> --
> Cropp's Law:    The amount of work done varies inversly with the time spent in the
> office.
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"My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those
who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the
first group; there was less competition there."
   - Indira Gandhi

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