On 2014-03-26 13:41:27 -0400, Stephen Frost wrote:
> * Andres Freund (and...@2ndquadrant.com) wrote:
> > On 2014-03-26 12:49:41 -0400, Stephen Frost wrote:
> > > * Ants Aasma (a...@cybertec.at) wrote:
> > > > It seems to me that when flushing logical mappings to disk, each
> > > > mapping file leaks the buffer used to pass the mappings to XLogInsert.
> > > > Also, it seems consistent to allocate that buffer in the RewriteState
> > > > memory context. Patch attached.
> > 
> > Good catch. There's actually no need for explicitly using the context,
> > we're in the appropriate one. The only other MemoryContextAlloc() caller
> > in there should be converted to a palloc as well.
> Hrm..?  I don't think that's right when it's called from
> end_heap_rewrite().

You're right. Apprently I shouldn't look at patches while watching a
keynote ;)

> Perhaps we should be switching to state->rs_cxt
> while in end_heap_rewrite() also though?

I think just applying Aant's patch is fine.


Andres Freund

 Andres Freund                     http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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