On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 10:00 PM, Tomas Vondra <t...@fuzzy.cz> wrote:
> The patch also does one more thing - it changes how the arrays (in the
> aggregate state) grow. Originally it worked like this
>     /* initial size */
>     astate->alen = 64;
>     /* when full, grow exponentially */
>     if (astate->nelems >= astate->alen)
>         astate->alen *= 2;
> so the array length would grow like this 64 -> 128 -> 256 -> 512 ...
> (note we're talking about elements, not bytes, so with with 32-bit
> integers it's actually 256B -> 512B -> 1024B -> ...).
> While I do understand the point of this (minimizing palloc overhead), I
> find this pretty dangerous, especially in case of array_agg(). I've
> modified the growth like this:
>     /* initial size */
>     astate->alen = 4;
>     /* when full, grow exponentially */
>     if (astate->nelems >= astate->alen)
>         astate->alen += 4;
> I admit that might be a bit too aggressive, and maybe there's a better
> way to do this - with better balance between safety and speed. I was
> thinking about something like this:
>     /* initial size */
>     astate->alen = 4;
>     /* when full, grow exponentially */
>     if (astate->nelems >= astate->alen)
>         if (astate->alen < 128)
>             astate->alen *= 2;
>         else
>             astate->alen += 128;
> i.e. initial size with exponential growth, but capped at 128B.

So I think this kind of thing is very sensible, but the last time I
suggested something similar, I got told "no":


But I think you're right and the objections previously raised are
wrong.  I suspect that the point at which we should stop doubling is
higher than 128 elements, because that's only 8kB, which really isn't
that big - and the idea that the resizing overhead takes only
amortized constant time is surely appealing.  But I still think that
doubling *forever* is a bad idea, here and there.  The fact that we've
written the code that way in lots of places doesn't make it the right

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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