A lot of different things going on but my perl program (whose backend crashed)
was doing a lot of insert into table as select * from another table for a
lot of different tables. I see triggers referenced here and it should be
noted that for one of the tables the triggers were first disabled (update
pg_class) and re-enabled after the inserts are done (or it takes forever).

The pgsql log shows:
2002-10-08 15:48:38 [18033]  DEBUG:  recycled transaction log file
2002-10-08 15:49:24 [28612]  DEBUG:  server process (pid 16003) was
terminated by signal 11
2002-10-08 15:49:24 [28612]  DEBUG:  terminating any other active server
2002-10-08 18:49:24 [28616]  NOTICE:  Message from PostgreSQL backend:
        The Postmaster has informed me that some other backend
        died abnormally and possibly corrupted shared memory.
        I have rolled back the current transaction and am
        going to terminate your database system connection and exit.
        Please reconnect to the database system and repeat your query.

A core file was found in <datadir>/base/326602604
and a backtrace shows:
(gdb) bt
#0  DeferredTriggerSaveEvent (relinfo=0x83335f0, event=0, oldtup=0x0,
    newtup=0x8348150) at trigger.c:2056
#1  0x080b9d0c in ExecARInsertTriggers (estate=0x8333778,
    trigtuple=0x8348150) at trigger.c:952
#2  0x080c0f23 in ExecAppend (slot=0x8333660, tupleid=0x0,
    at execMain.c:1280
#3  0x080c0dcd in ExecutePlan (estate=0x8333778, plan=0x83336f0,
    operation=CMD_INSERT, numberTuples=0, direction=ForwardScanDirection,
    destfunc=0x8334278) at execMain.c:1119
#4  0x080c026c in ExecutorRun (queryDesc=0x826fd88, estate=0x8333778,
    count=0) at execMain.c:233
#5  0x0810b2d5 in ProcessQuery (parsetree=0x826c500, plan=0x83336f0,
    completionTag=0xbfffec10 "") at pquery.c:259
#6  0x08109c83 in pg_exec_query_string (
    query_string=0x826c168 "insert into jobsequences select * from
rev_000_jobsequences", dest=Remote, parse_context=0x8242cd8) at
#7  0x0810abee in PostgresMain (argc=4, argv=0xbfffee40,
    username=0x8202d59 "laurette") at postgres.c:1929
#8  0x080f24fe in DoBackend (port=0x8202c28) at postmaster.c:2243
#9  0x080f1e9a in BackendStartup (port=0x8202c28) at postmaster.c:1874
#10 0x080f10e9 in ServerLoop () at postmaster.c:995
#11 0x080f0c56 in PostmasterMain (argc=1, argv=0x81eb398) at
#12 0x080d172b in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffff7d4) at main.c:206
#13 0x401e7177 in __libc_start_main (main=0x80d15a8 <main>, argc=1,
    ubp_av=0xbffff7d4, init=0x80676ac <_init>, fini=0x81554f0 <_fini>,
    rtld_fini=0x4000e184 <_dl_fini>, stack_end=0xbffff7cc)
    at ../sysdeps/generic/libc-start.c:129


Laurette Cisneros
The Database Group
(510) 420-3137
NextBus Information Systems, Inc.
It's 10 o'clock...
Do you know where your bus is?

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