Robert Haas <> writes:
> On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 1:20 PM, Tom Lane <> wrote:
>> It's more verbose, it's not actually any more information, and in many
>> cases it's actively misleading, because what's printed is NOT the real
>> file name --- it omits segment numbers for instance.  As a particularly
>> egregious example, in xact_desc_commit() we print a pathname including
>> MAIN_FORKNUM, which is a flat out lie to the reader, because what will
>> actually get deleted is all forks.

> Yeah, technically it's a lie, but ls <copy-and-paste-here>* is pretty
> handy.  If you format it some other way it's annoying to reformat it.

Handy for what?  How often do you need to do that?  (And if you do do it,
how often will you remember that the filename is only approximate?)

                        regards, tom lane

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