I've been thinking about how we might implement the <multiple column
assignment> UPDATE syntax that was introduced in SQL:2003.  This feature
allows you to do

UPDATE table SET ..., (column, column, ...) = <row-valued expression>, ...

where the system arranges to evaluate the <row-valued expression> just
once per row and then assign its fields into the specified target columns.

Back in commit 6e8596a146c9b16f2c053ea8c6e361a114c0b65c we introduced
some limited support for this syntax, but it only handles a <row-valued
expression> that is a ROW() constructor, and it just does a simple
syntactic transformation of pulling apart the ROW() constructor and
building an independent assignment to each target column.  The actually
interesting uses for this feature don't work with that implementation
approach.  The most common case I've seen asked for is where the
expression is a sub-SELECT returning multiple columns (but at most one

As far as the parser is concerned, the main hurdle to supporting this
feature is that the representation of an UPDATE's targetlist assumes that
each list element is an independent TargetEntry representing a single
assignment.  Now, there is a heck of a lot of code that knows what
targetlists look like, so I'm not eager to try to change that basic
assumption.  What seems like probably a better idea is to represent
    SET (target1, target2, target3) = foo
as though it were
    SET target1 = fooref.col1, target2 = fooref.col2, target3 = fooref.col3
where fooref is some Param-like reference to a separate list of
expressions that have composite outputs.  It would be understood that this
separate targetlist would be evaluated just once before evaluating the
main tlist.  This approach would allow all the existing targetlist
manipulation code to stay about the same.  It would be a bit of a
challenge for ruleutils.c to reconstruct the original syntax when printing
an UPDATE in a rule, but I think that's just a small matter of
programming.  (Possibly it would help if the elements of the separate
composite-values targetlist contained markers as to which main-tlist
elements they were for.)

Now, we could probably implement it straightforwardly just based on that
idea, though it's not quite clear where to shoehorn evaluation of the
separate targetlist into the constructed plan.  One way would be to
insert an additional evaluation level by adding a Result node on top
of the normal plan, and then have the lower level compute the composite
values as resjunk tlist elements, while the upper level does FieldSelects
from the composite values to implement the "fooref.colN" references.

However, I'm mainly interested in the sub-SELECT case; indeed, anything
else you might want to do could be transformed into a sub-SELECT, so
I wouldn't feel bad if we just restricted the new feature to that.
And this doesn't seem like quite the right way to do it for sub-SELECTs.

In the case of sub-SELECTs, we have almost the right execution mechanism
already, in that initPlans are capable of setting multiple PARAM_EXEC
runtime Params, one for each output column of the sub-SELECT.  So what
I called "fooref.col1" etc above could just be PARAM_EXEC Params referring
to the subplan outputs --- except that initPlans are only for uncorrelated
subqueries (those without any outer references to Vars of the parent query
level).  And the interesting cases for UPDATE generally involve correlated

What I'm thinking about this is that we ought to make an effort to unify
the currently separate implementation paths for correlated and
uncorrelated subqueries.  Instead of SubPlans in the expression tree for
correlated subqueries, I think they should all be treated much like
initPlans are now, ie, there are PARAM_EXEC Params referencing outputs
from a list of subqueries that are attached to the expression tree's
parent plan node, and we lazily evaluate the subqueries upon first use of
one of their output parameters.  What would be different from the current
handling of initPlans is that each time we advance to a new input row,
we'd need to reset the evaluation state of the subqueries that are
correlated.  The reason for changing it like that is so that we can have
multiple separate Params referencing different output columns of a single
correlated subquery, and be sure that we evaluate the correlated subquery
only once; the current SubPlan mechanism can't support separate references
to the same subplan.  Now, this would add a small amount of new bookkeeping
overhead to use of correlated subqueries, but I find it hard to believe
that that'd be noticeable compared to the startup/shutdown cost of the

So, if we were to revise the handling of correlated subqueries like that,
then for the case of a <row-valued expression> that is a sub-SELECT we
wouldn't need any explicit runtime evaluation of "separate targetlist"
entries.  Use of Params referencing the subplan's outputs would be enough
to cause evaluation to happen at the right times.  At least for the first
cut, I think it'd be enough to stop there, though maybe later we could
deal with <row-valued expression>s that aren't sub-SELECTs by adding more
planner or executor support.

Anyway, I'm considering working on this for 9.5.  Comments?

                        regards, tom lane

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