On Wed, 2002-10-16 at 04:34, Justin Clift wrote:
> Bruce Momjian wrote:
> > Anuradha Ratnaweera wrote:
> <snip>
> > > Nope.  To keep the `original' code licence as it is and to release the
> > > changes GPL?  Is the question sane at first place?
> > 
> > That would be a pretty big mess, I think.  People would add your patch
> > to our BSD code and it would be GPL.  It could be done, of course.
> Don't think so.  The patches would be "derived code" that only exist
> because of the BSD licensed PostgreSQL base.
> Being "derived code" they'd have to be released as BSD and GPL wouldn't
> enter the picture, regardless if they're released separately as add-on
> patches or not.

I'm pretty sure BSD allows you to relicense derived code as you see fit.
However, any derived project that was released GPL would have a hell of
a time ever getting put back into the main source (short of

Robert Treat

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