* Kouhei Kaigai (kai...@ak.jp.nec.com) wrote:
> > So the extension will need to be aware of all custom data types and then
> > installed *after* all other extensions are installed?  That doesn't strike
> > me as workable...
> > 
> I'm not certain why do you think an extension will need to support all
> the data types.

Mostly because we have a very nice extension system which quite a few
different extensions make use of and it'd be pretty darn unfortunate if
none of them could take advtange of GPUs because we decided that the
right way to support GPUs was through an extension.

This is argument which might be familiar to some as it was part of the
reason that json and jsonb were added to core, imv...

> Even if it works only for a particular set of data types, it makes sense
> as long as it covers data types user actually using.

I know quite a few users of PostGIS, ip4r, and hstore...



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