David G Johnston <david.g.johns...@gmail.com> wrote:

>>>   "For example, even a read only transaction at this level may see a
>>> control record updated to show that a batch has been completed but
>>> not see one of the detail records which is logically part of the
>>> batch because it read an earlier revision of the control record."
>> Hmm, that seems to be a super-summarized description of what Kevin & Dan
>> called the "receipts problem". There's an example of that in the
>> isolation test suite, see src/test/isolation/specs/receipt-report.spec.

It is also one of the examples I provided on the SSI Wiki page:

>> Googling for it, I also found an academic paper written by Kevin & Dan
>> that illustrates it: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1208.4179.pdf, "2.1.2 Example
>> 2: Batch Processing". (Nice work, I didn't know of that paper until now!)

There were links to drafts of the paper in July, 2012, but I guess
the official location in the Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment was
never posted to the community lists.  That's probably worth having
on record here:


>> I agree that's too terse. I think it would be good to actually spell out
>> a complete example of the Receipt problem in the manual. That chapter in
>> the manual contains examples of anomalities in Read Committed mode, so
>> it would be good to give a concrete example of an anomaly in Repeatable
>> Read mode too.

I found it hard to decide how far to go in the docs versus the Wiki
page.  Any suggestions or suggested patches welcome.

> While this is not a doc patch I decided to give it some thought.  The "bank"
> example was understandable enough for me so I simply tried to make it more
> accessible.  I also didn't go and try to get it to conform to other,
> existing, examples.  This is intended to replace the entire "For example..."
> paragraph noted above.
> While Repeatable Read provides for stable in-transaction reads logical query
> anomalies can result because commit order is not restricted and
> serialization errors only occur if two transactions attempt to modify the
> same record.
> Consider a rule that, upon updating r1 OR r2, if r1+r2 < 0 then subtract an
> additional 1 from the corresponding row.
> Initial State: r1 = 0; r2 = 0
> Transaction 1 Begins: reads (0,0); adds -10 to r1, notes r1 + r2 will be -10
> and subtracts an additional 1
> Transaction 2 Begins: reads (0,0); adds 20 to r2, notes r1 + r2 will be +20;
> no further action needed
> Commit 2
> Transaction 3: reads (0,20) and commits
> Commit 1
> Transaction 4: reads (-11,20) and commits
> However, if Transaction 2 commits first then, logically, the calculation of
> r1 + r2 in Transaction 1 should result in a false outcome and the additional
> subtraction of 1 should not occur - leaving T4 reading (-10,20). 
> The ability for out-of-order commits is what allows T3 to read the pair
> (0,20) which is logically impossible in the T2->before->T1 commit order with
> T4 reading (-11,20).
> Neither transaction fails since a serialization failure only occurs if a
> concurrent update occurs to [ r1 (in T1) ] or to [ r2 (in T2) ]; The update
> of [ r2 (in T1) ] is invisible - i.e., no failure occurs if a read value
> undergoes a change.
> Inspired by:
> http://www.sigmod.org/publications/sigmod-record/0409/2.ROAnomONeil.pdf -
> Example 1.3

I know this is subjective, but that seems to me a little too much
in an academic style for the docs.  In the Wiki page examples I
tried to use a style more accessible to DBAs and application
programmers.  Don't get me wrong, I found various papers by Alan
Fekete and others very valuable while working on the feature, but
they are often geared more toward those developing such features
than those using them.

That said, I know I'm not the best word-smith in the community, and
would very much welcome suggestions from others on the best way to
cover this.

Kevin Grittner
EDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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