At 2014-06-30 09:39:29 -0400, wrote:
> I certainly don't feel like it's the solution which extension authors
> are looking for and will be happy with

I don't know if there are any other extension authors involved in this
discussion, but I'm not shedding any tears over the idea. (That may be
because I see operational compatibility with 9.[234] as a major plus,
not a minor footnote.)

> > As Tom would say, I think you just moved the goalposts into
> > the next county.

(And they're not even the same distance apart any more. ;-)

> That's fine- but don't push something in which will make it difficult
> to add these capabilities later

I've been trying to understand why a pgaudit extension (which already
exists) will make it difficult to add a hypothetical "GRANT AUDIT ON
goalpost TO referee" syntax later. About the only thing I've come up
with is people complaining about having to learn the new syntax when
they were used to the old one.

Surely that's not the sort of thing you mean? (You've mentioned
pg_upgrade and backwards compatibility too, and I don't really
understand those either.)

-- Abhijit

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