On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 12:30 PM, Ashoke <s.ash...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you Ashutosh*.* That was the issue. But, could you please explain
> why it worked from command line?
I do not know. Any time we add a member to a node and find it's value
coming out NULL or 0 instead of the one set, corresponding _copy* is the
first suspect. You may be able find why it worked in command line and why
not through the connector by breaking on copyObject() in either cases.

> On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 11:49 AM, Ashutosh Bapat <
> ashutosh.ba...@enterprisedb.com> wrote:
>> You may have to add code to copy inp_str to _copyVacuumStmt(). See how a
>> character array being copied from other _copy* functions.
>> On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 10:43 AM, Ashoke <s.ash...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> ------------------------------
>>> I have defined a new command my_command in PostgreSQL. This command
>>> takes the path of ANALYZE and inside analyze.c, I have a function to do
>>> some operations if its my_command.This command takes the input
>>> arguments: table name, column name and an input string.
>>> my_command nation (n_nationkey) 'input string';
>>> When I run this command from command line psql, it works as expected.
>>> But when I call the same command from a java application, the variable that
>>> stores the input string is NULL.
>>> I printed the value of the input string in gram.y file where I have
>>> defined my_command.
>>> fprintf (stderr, "I am inside gram.y %s\n",n->inp_str); and the input
>>> string is printed correctly.
>>> But when I print stmt->inp_str in the function standard_ProcessUtility()
>>>  of utility.c for the case T_VacuumStmt, I get the value as NULL. This
>>> is as far as I could trace back from analyze.c.
>>> I am not sure how executing the same command from an application can
>>> make a difference.
>>> gram.y content gist:
>>> ------------------------------
>>> MyStmt:
>>>         my_keyword qualified_name name_list my_inp_str
>>>             {
>>>                 VacuumStmt *n = makeNode(VacuumStmt);
>>>                 n->options = VACOPT_ANALYZE;
>>>                 n->freeze_min_age = -1;
>>>                 n->freeze_table_age = -1;
>>>                 n->relation = $2;
>>>                 n->va_cols = $3;
>>>                 n->inp_str = $4;
>>>                 fprintf (stderr, "I am inside gram.y %s\n",n->inp_str);
>>>                 $$ = (Node *)n;
>>>             };
>>> char *inp_str is added to the struct VacuumStmt in parsenodes.h
>>> ---------------------------
>>> Only the newly added char *inp_str(that is different from ANALYZE)
>>> value is NULL. I was able to retrieve the column name from va_cols.
>>> Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Ashoke
>> --
>> Best Wishes,
>> Ashutosh Bapat
>> EnterpriseDB Corporation
>> The Postgres Database Company
> --
> Regards,
> Ashoke

Best Wishes,
Ashutosh Bapat
EnterpriseDB Corporation
The Postgres Database Company

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