On 04 July 2014 19:29, MauMau Wrote:

> [How to fix]
> Of course, adding "-o '-c synchronous_commit=local'" or "-o '-c
> synchronous_standby_names='" to pg_ctl start in the recovery script
> would prevent the problem.
> But isn't there anything to fix in PostgreSQL?  I think the doc needs
> improvement so that users won't misunderstand that only write
> transactions would block at commit.

As of now there is no solution for this in PostgreSQL but I had submitted a 
patch "Standalone synchronous master" in 
9.4 2014-01 CommitFest, which was rejected because of some issues. This patch 
was meant to degrade the synchronous
level of master, if all synchronous standbys are down.
I plan to resubmit this with better design sometime in 9.5.

Thanks and Regards,
Kumar Rajeev Rastogi

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