On 14/09/14 19:25, Atri Sharma wrote:

On Sunday, September 14, 2014, Mark Kirkwood
<mark.kirkw...@catalyst.net.nz <mailto:mark.kirkw...@catalyst.net.nz>>

    On 14/09/14 05:36, Rohit Goyal wrote:

        Hi All,

        I want to work on the code of intermediate dataset of select and

        For example.

        Rohit's salary has been updated 4 times, so it has 4 different
        of salary.

        I want to select  salary of person named Rohit. Now suppose , in
        intermediate result, I found 4 different versions of the data. I
        want to
        know the code portion which i need to look for working on all 4
        in dataset. :)

    Hi Rohit,

    Currently in Postgres, these intermediate versions all exist -
    however a given session can only see one of them. Also VACUUM is
    allowed to destroy versions that no other transactions can see.

    So if I'm understanding you correctly, you would like to have some
    way for a session to see *all* these versions (and I guess
    preventing VACUUM from destroying them).

Any modifications of that sort are bound to introduce lots of pain, not
to mention performance degradation and the added responsibility of
ensuring that dead tuples don't bloat up the system (prevent vacuum from
running at regular intervals and you can have a xid wraparound).

I just mentioned that in case you are planning to go in that direction.
If you only want the data, use the triggers as Gavin mentioned.

Obviously in the general case sure - but (as yet) we don't have much idea about Rohit's use case and workload. If retrieving past versions is the *primary* workload bias and high update concurrency is not required then this could well work better than a trigger based solution.

And it does not seem too onerous to have the ability to switch this on as required, viz:


(or similar syntax) which makes VACUUM leave this table alone. It might make more sense to make such a concept apply to a TABLESPACE instead mind you (i.e things in here are for archive/versioning purposes)...

Clearly we'd need to see the code for any of this and evaluate if it is good or terrible, but I'm not seeing the idea as bad as stated.



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