On 09/22/2014 07:47 AM, Rajeev rastogi wrote:
I have observed a scope of considerable performance improvement in-case of 
index by a very minor code change.
Consider the below schema:

create table tbl2(id1 int, id2 varchar(10), id3 int);
create index idx2 on tbl2(id2, id3);

Query as:
                 select count(*) from tbl2 where id2>'a' and id3>990000;

As per current design, it takes following steps to retrieve index tuples:

1.       Find the scan start position by searching first position in BTree as per 
the first key condition i.e. as per id2>'a'

2.       Then it fetches each tuples from position found in step-1.

3.       For each tuple, it matches all scan key condition, in our example it 
matches both scan key condition.

4.       If condition match, it returns the tuple otherwise scan stops.

Now problem is here that already first scan key condition is matched to find 
the scan start position (Step-1), so it is obvious that any further tuple also 
will match the first scan key condition (as records are sorted).
So comparison on first scan key condition again in step-3 seems to be redundant.

So my proposal is to skip the condition check on the first scan key condition 
for every tuple.

The same happens in a single-column case. If you have a query like "SELECT * FROM tbl2 where id2 > 'a'", once you've found the start position of the scan, you know that all the rows that follow match too.

I would like to submit the patch for this improvement.
Please provide your feedback. Also let me know if I am missing something.

Yeah, sounds like a good idea. This scenario might not arise very often, but it should be cheap to check, so I doubt it will add any measurable overhead to the cases where the optimization doesn't help.

- Heikki

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