On 9/23/14, 10:31 AM, Robert Haas wrote:
I suggest we count these things:

1. The number of buffers the reclaimer has put back on the free list.
2. The number of times a backend has run the clocksweep.
3. The number of buffers past which the reclaimer has advanced the clock sweep (i.e. the number of buffers it had to examine in order to reclaim the number counted by #1). 4. The number of buffers past which a backend has advanced the clocksweep (i.e. the number of buffers it had to examine in order to allocate the number of buffers count by #3). 5. The number of buffers allocated from the freelist which the backend did not use because they'd been touched (what you're calling buffers_touched_freelist).

All sound reasonable. To avoid wasting time here, I think it's only worth doing all of these as DEBUG level messages for now. Then only go through the overhead of exposing the ones that actually seem relevant. That's what I did for the 8.3 work, and most of that data at this level was barely relevant to anyone but me then or since. We don't want the system views to include so much irrelevant trivia that finding the important parts becomes overwhelming.

I'd like to see that level of instrumentation--just the debug level messages--used to quantify the benchmarks that people are running already, to prove they are testing what they think they are. That would have caught the test error you already stumbled on for example. Simple paranoia says there may be more issues like that hidden in here somewhere, and this set you've identified should find any more of them around.

If all that matches up so the numbers for the new counters seem sane, I think that's enough to commit the first basic improvement here. Then make a second pass over exposing the useful internals that let everyone quantify either the improvement or things that may need to be tunable.

Greg Smith greg.sm...@crunchydatasolutions.com
Chief PostgreSQL Evangelist - http://crunchydatasolutions.com/

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