On 9/23/14, 7:13 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
I think we expose far too little information in our system views. Just to take one example, we expose no useful information about lwlock acquire or release, but a lot of real-world performance problems are caused by lwlock contention.
I sent over a proposal for what I was calling Performance Events about a year ago. The idea was to provide a place to save data about lock contention, weird checkpoint sync events, that sort of thing. Replacing log parsing to get at log_lock_waits data was my top priority. Once that's there, lwlocks was an obvious next target. Presumably we just needed collection to be low enough overhead, and then we can go down to whatever shorter locks we want; lower the overhead, faster the event we can measure.

Sometimes the database will never be able to instrument some of its fastest events without blowing away the event itself. We'll still have perf / dtrace / systemtap / etc. for those jobs. But those are not the problems of the average Postgres DBA's typical day.

The data people need to solve this sort of thing in production can't always show up in counters. You'll get evidence the problem is there, but you need more details to actually find the culprit. Some info about the type of lock, tables and processes involved, maybe the query that's running, that sort of thing. You can kind of half-ass the job if you make per-tables counter for everything, but we really need more, both to serve our users and to compare well against what other databases provide for tools. That's why I was trying to get the infrastructure to capture all that lock detail, without going through the existing logging system first.

Actually building Performance Events fell apart on the storage side: figuring out where to put it all without waiting for a log file to hit disk. I wanted in-memory storage so clients don't wait for anything, then a potentially lossy persistence writer. I thought I could get away with a fixed size buffer like pg_stat_statements uses. That was optimistic. Trying to do better got me lost in memory management land without making much progress.

I think the work you've now done on dynamic shared memory gives the right shape of infrastructure that I could pull this off now. I even have funding to work on it again, and it's actually the #2 thing I'd like to take on as I get energy for new feature development. (#1 is the simple but time consuming job of adding block write counters, the lack of which which is just killing me on some fast growing installs)

I have a lot of unread messages on this list to sort through right now. I know I saw someone try to revive the idea of saving new sorts of performance log data again recently; can't seem to find it again right now. That didn't seem like it went any farther than thinking about the specifications though. The last time I jumped right over that and hit a wall with this one hard part of the implementation instead, low overhead memory management for saving everything.

Greg Smith greg.sm...@crunchydatasolutions.com
Chief PostgreSQL Evangelist - http://crunchydatasolutions.com/

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