On 2014-09-29 14:46:20 -0400, Robert Haas wrote:
> On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 10:18 AM, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 4:31 AM, Dave Page <dave.p...@enterprisedb.com> 
> > wrote:
> >> Hamid@EDB; Can you please have someone configure anole to build git
> >> head as well as the other branches? Thanks.
> >
> > The test_shm_mq regression tests hung on this machine this morning.
> > Hamid was able to give me access to log in and troubleshoot.
> > Unfortunately, I wasn't able to completely track down the problem
> > before accidentally killing off the running cluster, but it looks like
> > test_shm_mq_pipelined() tried to start 3 background workers and the
> > postmaster only ever launched one of them, so the test just sat there
> > and waited for the other two workers to start.  At this point, I have
> > no idea what could cause the postmaster to be asleep at the switch
> > like this, but it seems clear that's what happened.
> This happened again, and I investigated further.  It looks like the
> postmaster knows full well that it's supposed to start more bgworkers:
> the ones that never get started are in the postmaster's
> BackgroundWorkerList, and StartWorkerNeeded is true.  But it only
> starts the first one, not all three.  Why?
> Here's my theory.  When I did a backtrace inside the postmaster, it
> was stuck inside inside select(), within ServerLoop().  I think that's
> just where it was when the backend that wanted to run test_shm_mq
> requested that a few background workers get launched.  Each
> registration would have sent the postmaster a separate SIGUSR1, but
> for some reason the postmaster only received one, which I think is
> legit behavior, though possibly not typical on modern Linux systems.
> When the SIGUSR1 arrived, the postmaster jumped into
> sigusr1_handler().  sigusr1_handler() calls maybe_start_bgworker(),
> which launched the first background worker.  Then it returned, and the
> arrival of the signal did NOT interrupt the pending select().
> This chain of events can't occur if an arriving SIGUSR1 causes
> select() to return EINTR or EWOULDBLOCK, nor can it happen if the
> signal handler is entered three separate times, once for each SIGUSR1.
> That combination of explanations seems likely sufficient to explain
> why this doesn't occur on other machines.
> The code seems to have been this way since the commit that introduced
> background workers (da07a1e856511dca59cbb1357616e26baa64428e),
> although the function was called StartOneBackgroundWorker back then.

If that theory is true, wouldn't things get unstuck everytime a new
connection comes in? Or 60 seconds have passed? That's not to say this
isn't wrong, but still?


Andres Freund

 Andres Freund                     http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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