On Thu, 7 Nov 2002, Tom Lane wrote:

> "Marc G. Fournier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Tom, my understanding is that CONVERT stuff required an initdb, and was
> > also the only thing 'critical' that went in ... correct?  What impact does
> > that have?  For instance, could it cause one of the regression tests to
> > fail, or is it something that is relatively benign?
> I would like to think it's a pretty safe change, but that's why we do
> betas ;-).
> More seriously, we are still attacking various portability issues, and
> there is still some undone docs work.  I doubt we can make a tarball
> tomorrow that is an honest release candidate.  Maybe Monday?

'K, let me announce beta5 tonight, and let's talk about RC1 on Monday (not
plan for it, just plan to talk about it)

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